Give your new manager the "silent treatment"


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Secondly, don't they call on you to recite the 5 seeing habits, 10-pt. commentary, etc? I can't go a week without me being called out at the PCM to do this.
They figured out a long time ago that calling on me would get them nothing but a blank stare. I'm not a parakeet. Usually, one of our Safety Committee brown-nosers will holler out the commentary on cue and spare the rest of us the hassle.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I would never give you the opportunity to dodge me for 6 weeks! Sorry!
I have always felt that your people are your operation - what better way to get to know your operation than to get to know your people!
Our center has about 70 drivers, with a center manager and 2 on-car sups who work 60-70 hrs a week. I am amazed that they can even remember anybodys name, let alone what route they run. Its pretty easy to dodge a new manager around here, especially when you are a professional who doesnt leave a paper trail of screwups and accidents.


Agent of Change
Were you originally from Illinois? That's where I'm from. Now I'm in beautiful Phoenix and I have absolutely no desire to go back to the midwest for ANYTHING.

No, I'm a southern boy. My father took what I think he once called a 'contract transfer' (he'd be there 2 years) and they'd bring him back to the South. Twenty plus years later, he's still there. I talked to him about leaving the Midwest a couple weeks ago. I pulled the phone away from my ear because he was so p*ssed about being stuck where he is. Ball and chain much...? :angry: (I'm sure I'll pay for this).

I'm in beautiful Denver, Colorado. I wouldn't go back to the Midwest for anything other than a job. I'm actively looking for a job but I'm not targeting the Midwest. I've applied for a couple jobs in your neighbor (the Land of Enchantment). In fact, I was asked to call the recruiter on Thursday. :::shrugs:::. We'll see.

they already are coming here in droves anyway!

Yes, they are! But its slowed down from earlier this decade. Five years ago, I couldn't turn around in Denver without seeing an Illinois, Texas or California tag. I still see the three of them but now its once or twice a month and mostly near the interstate (where they belong!). -Rocky


Agent of Change
it appears there are some people on this site who are no longer employed at ups. why would somebody who no longer works at ups spend time on browncafe, what's the connection?

I'm one of the people you're referring to. I miss the people I worked with and enjoy the banter on this board. I didn't think this was a problem....-Rocky


I believe that these people adopted UPS and feel like they belong to a unique group and I believe they do too. It is a good forum to keep up to date on UPS and its people.


Well-Known Member
it appears there are some people on this site who are no longer employed at ups. why would somebody who no longer works at ups spend time on browncafe, what's the connection?
1. It's a public forum
2. I still have stock in the company so I like to keep up with what's going on so I know if I should keep it or dump it.
3. I have a deep desire to see the misery of people that are still with UPS to make me feel better about getting downsized from there. :funny:
4. It's fun to be an anti-union republican in a mostly democratic union forum. It makes for interesting debate and gives me a different perspective.
5. Since I don't have that much stock to make a huge difference, I enjoy seeing how the micro management is ruining the morale of a great number of employees.
6. I like to keep up with what is going on in TSG so I can see how much fun I am missing out on with PMT, HDFS, paint by number install guides, etc.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Our center has about 70 drivers, with a center manager and 2 on-car sups who work 60-70 hrs a week. I am amazed that they can even remember anybodys name, let alone what route they run. Its pretty easy to dodge a new manager around here, especially when you are a professional who doesnt leave a paper trail of screwups and accidents.

The way a manager does this is:

You call a special PCM with just the utility drivers. All you do is tell them about you and introduce yourself.

Then you get up on the belts - boxline - or slide and meet the driver at his/her package car.

In the PM you hang around where the drivers check-in or close to the DIAD room or area. You keep a DDR with you so that you can check off who you met.

I actually took pictures with a Polaroid camera of drivers and in one operation - just the supervisors. I had 35 supervisors reporting to me.

The more you get out of the office.... the more you learn and the better you can help and do the job. As you know the paper and computer does not tell the whole story. You need contact with your people. You need to develop relationships and create an atmosphere of trust if you are going to accomplish anything worthwhile.

There is a honeymoon period for every new sup or mgr. Use this opportunity to ask for forgiveness because you were not on a conference call and out in the operation learning about it and your people.


Well-Known Member
I have a driver sup that I absolutely HATE. I either do not speak unless spoken to, or if I have to answer a question from him, say as little as possible or just shake my head. I think he is on to it by how that I don't care for him. I check my milk carton every morning to see if his picture is on it.


Well-Known Member
I have a driver sup that I absolutely HATE. I either do not speak unless spoken to, or if I have to answer a question from him, say as little as possible or just shake my head. I think he is on to it by how that I don't care for him. I check my milk carton every morning to see if his picture is on it.

Overallowed, how do you work like that? I think I would rather quit UPS than have that type of relationship with my boss?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Overallowed, how do you work like that? I think I would rather quit UPS than have that type of relationship with my boss?

Ask Grrrrriff - He hates all management or anyone who remotely says anythings positive towards management. he will probably have a really enlightened answer for you. LOL!

Mike Hawk

Well-Known Member
I talk to all my preload supervisors every day, but I ignore the center manager/driver supes unless I really have to talk to them, they are all clowns. Example when a plan gets screwed up and the beginning of the route ends up on shelf 8 or something, I tell them in an effort to get it fixed but all they do is blame some other supe and refuse to do anything. If I'm not loading chances are the loader that is loading wont know and fix it so the driver gets screwed and spends more time looking through the truck etc making his soph or w/e go down. In the end he being lazy screws himself but he is too dumb to realize it. I’ll talk to him when his head is separated from his rear until then he can enjoy the view.


Well-Known Member
Ask Grrrrriff - He hates all management or anyone who remotely says anythings positive towards management. he will probably have a really enlightened answer for you. LOL!

Ya, so what?

UPS is my job, I go there to make money. I don't show up to socialize and be liked by everyone in the building. I don't hate all management, I have said before that I have a lot of respect for my oncar supervisor. Everyone else that I've ever met from management is a sociopath and a criminal, this includes the sales people. I wouldn't call 9-1-1 or help them if I saw them flopping around on the ground. Might seem harsh to most, but that's the way I feel and I won't apologize for it. For whatever reason my attitude on these boards leads people to think of me as the guy who foams at the mouth over this stuff and throws darts at management on my spare time, you couldn't be more wrong. Outside of this website, I very rarely let UPS issues infiltrate my private life. Nobody close to me knows about what I've been through at work with management, aside from all the warning letters I have framed and hanging up in my computer room. I play for keeps but for the most part I leave this stuff at the guardshack, this site is where I slip up and bring it home sometimes.


Retired 23 years
Years worked - 19 plus. Warning letters - 0

years worked - 30
warning letters- 4
deserved warning letters- 2

ya got to buck the establishment a little bit during your career( just for fun if nothing else). In the later part of my career they kind of got away from warning letters and went straight to firing you- took all the fun out of it. Party Poopers:peaceful:


Ya, so what?

Everyone else that I've ever met from management is a sociopath and a criminal, this includes the sales people. I wouldn't call 9-1-1 or help them if I saw them flopping around on the ground. Might seem harsh to most, but that's the way I feel and I won't apologize for it.

just about covers it.:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
just about covers it.:peaceful:

Actually it doesn't cover it. The fact that I wouldn't help them in their time of need doesn't make me a sociopath or a criminal. I'm simply returning the "favors" and "gestures" shown by them to me over the years.


Well-Known Member
Actually it doesn't cover it. The fact that I wouldn't help them in their time of need doesn't make me a sociopath or a criminal. I'm simply returning the "favors" and "gestures" shown by them to me over the years.

Whoa man relax. They're trying to make a living just like you are. :knockedout:


free at last.......
ya got to buck the establishment a little bit during your career( just for fun if nothing else). In the later part of my career they kind of got away from warning letters and went straight to firing you- took all the fun out of it. Party Poopers:peaceful:

It's all part of the cost cutting measures. No more waste of paper.
Now they just waste time, fuel and paying someone back-pay while they sat at home (when they get their job back) for not following progressive discipline.:wink2: