Good bye to the Friday after Thanksgiving


It is what it is
Sometimes, I have to readjust my attitude by remembering where I came from and be thankful for a job (that we all break our backs to keep prosperous) like few others in the USA.
Some upsers just can't seem to step outside their little box and see how much worse it could be.


A Package Center Manager
After reading this it is all clear.

It was The day after thanksgiving that did us in.
Not the shippers shipping double what they said they would.
Not UPS management not have a ship by date.

Not UPS management telling customers sure ship all the NDA you want the weekend before Christmas.

No its all clear now, it was not working Black Friday.
You forgot the weather in your list of red herrings.


Looks like we can add this to the long list of things these bastids have taken from us. I wonder if Scotty boy will be in his browns to help out as needed.

And once they take something away........
Do I even need to finish that thought?


Expect the next announcement to be: All Saturdays during December will be a regular workday if you have 4 or more DOT hours left after clocking out on Friday.


Well-Known Member
Way back in pre-history when I started, we worked the Friday after Thanksgiving. We also got our birthday off. Sometime in the early 80's, we lost our birthday and in exchange got that Friday.


I have to address the B-day day off. A birthday is meaningless for anyone over the age of 12-15. Every single person has a birthday. The likes of Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson all have birthdays. Adam Carolla has hit the nail on the head. We should have an achievement day. A day where you made a big achievement. It would change as you get older if you had bigger achievements. Birthday is just a day your mom squeezed all of us out.

Hoffa has a new achievement day. The day he screwed a good percentage of the union members by forcing a contract.


When Thanksgiving Day also bites the dust in 2015, we won't have any need for the turkeys that were previously taken away. See how neatly it all fits together.


Huge Member
Trust me, I LOVED not working Black Friday.

That being said, the amount that I get paid to come in that day will increase 2 numbers
The numbers in my paycheck and the numbers in my route's overallowed :yesssmileyf:

