In the end, who wins??? And at what cost?

I have NOT been lurking

Degenerate Member
Very becoming of you, violation of the TOS. If you had any experience, you’d find a better place to have lunch.

You should really see a doctor, the red on your fingernail is not normal


Just a turd
If you want apiece of UPS’s profit, buy stock. You are just unskilled labor and are paid well for your labor.

I was a 30 year driver and learned that my first year.
We don't want THEIR profits, we just want our fair share of what we have worked for.
You are retired you get no vote on this and your opinion on the subject of what is going on now at UPS mean absolutely nothing
We don't want THEIR profits, we just want our fair share of what we have worked for.
You are retired you get no vote on this and your opinion on the subject of what is going on now at UPS mean absolutely nothing
You are correct, I have no vote. I have been through a strike, I like many of you here. No one wins, and it will not be better once the striker settled. Strikes are always settled.

Automation and AI are coming, robots can already load a trailer better than a part timer. It won’t be long before they can load a package car as well.

It also won’t be long before basically a trained monkey can do a package car driver’s job. Same goes for feeders. All the driver needs to do is park and fuel and maybe walk down a couple of steps, maybe not even that.

Buy some stock while it’s a bargain, live off your dividends, and your very generous pension. You’ll be set for life.

Turd, why would you not want to share the fruits of you labor? Nose/face/spite?

Take you $100k/yr, full benefits, generous pension, and buy some stocks.

It’s not a tough job, it was much harder when I was driving.
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Well-Known Member
Most analysts say, if we do go on strike, we will probably lose about 30% of our volume which is about 4 million packages a day. Truly, that is concerning granted I don’t argue or dispute The fact that the company made billions of dollars during the pandemic and because of that, we should be able to get some of those profits as well, considering it was done on our backs, not to mention, we gave up a lot of time with our families, and, of course, put our own health at risk, but the problem is going to be, as we are, probably not gonna see those profits anywhere near that due to the fact those profits were all made off of the pandemic, and now that the volume has slowed all delivery companies are struggling, laying people off, and of course, searching for volume. I don’t know what the real answer is other than the fact that maybe they could give us a huge signing bonus with a reasonable cost of living adjustment but eventually we have to top off I mean think about it in five more years from now are we gonna be looking for 60 or $65 an hour we must be reasonable or in the end this company will end up like SEARS & ROBUCK of shipping one last nugget for thought if in the event, the Teamsters are able to successfully unionized Amazon, we will no longer be the big guy on the block and in five years from now will we be yellow freight? I don’t know about you, but I sure enjoy my benefits, I have and very good standard of living, and would hate to lose it all but your truly has to be a points where we top off for 36 years I’ve worked for this job, and every year I received a raise
first of all the analysts are in the matrix and are either corrupt or useful idiots.

you need to listen to michael hudson or richard wolff. if you donate to michael hudson he will tell you.


I’m full of it
You are correct, I have no vote. I have been through a strike, I like many of you here. No one wins, and it will not be better once the striker settled. Strikes are always settled.

Automation and AI are coming, robots can already load a trailer better than a part timer. It won’t be long before they can load a package car as well.

It also won’t be long before basically a trained monkey can do a package car driver’s job. Same goes for feeders. All the driver needs to do is park and fuel and maybe walk down a couple of steps, maybe not even that.

Buy some stock while it’s a bargain, live off your dividends, and your very generous pension. You’ll be set for life.
Where do I sign up to get this robot to load my package car because my loader sucks!!!


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You can believe whatever you want to believe. I believe you don’t know what you’re talking about. I started out on paper in the 1970s before the loop came into being. I was a driver until the early 2000s when I retired I collect a modest, central states pension.

I walked the picket line in 1997. How long have you been at UPS and what position are you in?

It seems as though you are a moderator here, and maybe even the head moderator. I don’t know how that could’ve possibly happened. Your posts told me that you are a 20 something who really doesn’t have much life experience, let alone experience hit UPS.

PS. You are posting in the middle of the day, so you can’t be an RPCD. Or maybe you’re just stealing time from the company
Beat it.
Where do I sign up to get this robot to load my package car because my loader sucks!!!
It’s coming. You guys don’t know how good you have it. When I got to my first stop in the morning in an old ratty six cube they had to use a forklift to get the back door open because there is that much crap shoved into it.
It’s coming. You guys don’t know how good you have it. When I got to my first stop in the morning in an old ratty six cube they had to use a forklift to get the back door open because there is that much crap shoved into it.
automated loaders would never happen without a decrease in FT driver pay, thus they're never happening


Just a turd
You are correct, I have no vote. I have been through a strike, I like many of you here. No one wins, and it will not be better once the striker settled. Strikes are always settled.

Automation and AI are coming, robots can already load a trailer better than a part timer. It won’t be long before they can load a package car as well.

It also won’t be long before basically a trained monkey can do a package car driver’s job. Same goes for feeders. All the driver needs to do is park and fuel and maybe walk down a couple of steps, maybe not even that.

Buy some stock while it’s a bargain, live off your dividends, and your very generous pension. You’ll be set for life.

Turd, why would you not want to share the fruits of you labor? Nose/face/spite?

Take you $100k/yr, full benefits, generous pension, and buy some stocks.

It’s not a tough job, it was much harder when I was driving.
I have had money taken out weekly since we were offered stock back when I was part time, went through the 97 strike also, the difference between you and me? I would never begrudge someone getting the absolute most they can for the work they preform, and I remember what a struggle it was climbing the ladder from being a filthy part time hub rat to where I am now 34 years later, while you seem to want to kick that ladder over because you already got yours and are on here trying to use management scare tactics to keep your precious stock price inflated
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I’m full of it
It’s coming. You guys don’t know how good you have it. When I got to my first stop in the morning in an old ratty six cube they had to use a forklift to get the back door open because there is that much crap shoved into it.
Most trucks are still slammed these days also,they had to pull a bulk stop off of me today because it would not fit.


Well-Known Member
UPS delivers over 6 billion packages per year. They typically raise their rates 4-6% per year.

What’s the average cost to ship a package? Maybe $15-$20?

That would be an extra $6-$7B per year or $1.5-$1.75B per quarter.

That covers the $5 immediate raise for the first year. UPS then continues to make that same extra $1.5-$1.75B per quarter while maybe only giving us a $1 or $2 raise in subsequent years. Plenty of money to cover increased operating costs and stock buybacks.

So your math factors in all the expenses for the company, or just sales and no profit margins?

My calculations were based on their profit.