LATEST presidential Tracking polls! 2016 General Election

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Trump has zero-credibility for job creation.

He has created thousands upon thousands of jobs.

His company pays the wages of over 10,000 people in over 500 different companies that he created or purchased.

So we just established the FACT that Trump has created jobs.

Can Hillary or Bernie say they created ANY JOBS?

You know the answer is NO.


Staff member
So heavily tilted that it's crooked, and what does that say about the candidate it is titled towards?
What does it say about the candidate going in, knowing about it, and saying nothing about it until he found out he was actually gaining popularity? it says the same thing about Bernie as Trump

It's kind of frustrating really. I'm intrigued with the reformers dream that Sanders puts out (and to a lesser degree even Trump) but they have no path to a reality anything like the dream. How does Sanders pay for "college for all"? And really? We would pay for college for Trump's kids?

So void of facts and paths we are left with what?
Broad statements of the "ideal America" and candidates touting their large stadium filling crowds. Do you see what that is? That's advertising.

That's "4 out of 5 dentists recommend fluoride toothpaste...[and you should too].

That's "4 out of 5 people are angry at the establishment politicians...[and you should be too].

At least we know fluoride toothpaste can deliver. Trump and Sanders? I'm skeptical.
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Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
I guess Sanders will be the next president. Trump cant be overlooked but Hillary will be indited.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
What does it say about the candidate going in, knowing about it, and saying nothing about it until he found out he was actually gaining popularity? it says the same thing about Bernie as Trump

It's kind of frustrating really. I'm intrigued with the reformers dream that Sanders puts out (and to a lesser degree even Trump) but they have no path to a reality anything like the dream. How does Sanders pay for "college for all"? And really? We would pay for college for Trump's kids?

So void of facts and paths we are left with what?
Broad statements of the "ideal America" and candidates touting their large stadium filling crowds. Do you see what that is? That's advertising.

That's "4 out of 5 dentists recommend fluoride toothpaste...[and you should too].

That's "4 out of 5 people are angry at the establishment politicians...[and you should be too].

At least we know fluoride toothpaste can deliver. Trump and Sanders? I'm skeptical.

He's already explained how we would pay for tuition-free public universities.

Come on, "Trump's kids" is a Hillary line. Yes, rich kids like that could, but more than likely wouldn't, go to public universities much like they don't go to public K-12 schools.


Well-Known Member
Ok, week by week, I will post the latest NATIONAL Presidential polling.

Lets see how it works out over the next 6 months till the election. We did this for McCain and Romney, and the outcome was predictable. We will do it again for Trump and his eventual defeat.

Keep in mind, Both McCain and Romney were within 2 percentage points going into August and still lost. Trump has been behind as much as 15 points and is currently trailing nationally by +6

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton


TOS, this is a stupid thread. if hillary wins the country will continue to decay, probably faster than it did under obama.

trumps a wildcard, and he is of little moral fortitude. and what has he said about nuclear war? chris hedges doesnt think trump will be able to stop the job killing trade deals, or make wall street behave.

i was listening to richard wolff, and he said even if bernie sanders won the presidency, he couldnt get much done with the congress + he would need a movement of people protesting on the streets and such to get the things passed that he wants. bernie even overtly says this.


Well-Known Member
both chris hedges and richard wolff says the country is in for a rough ride economically, politically, and environmentally

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS, this is a stupid thread. if hillary wins the country will continue to decay, probably faster than it did under obama.

trumps a wildcard, and he is of little moral fortitude. and what has he said about nuclear war? chris hedges doesnt think trump will be able to stop the job killing trade deals, or make wall street behave.

i was listening to richard wolff, and he said even if bernie sanders won the presidency, he couldnt get much done with the congress + he would need a movement of people protesting on the streets and such to get the things passed that he wants. bernie even overtly says this.


youre not suppose to drink the bong water bro.

I imagine, with these kinds of thoughts, you think the country is in worse shape than where BUSH left it on the day he left?

Continues to decay?

The stock market has gone from 6800 to 18,000 under obama. There are NOT enough homes to sell today. Corporations are making profits unlike ever seen before. Banks are solvent. Businesses are growing and hiring. There is construction of major building projects in every major city in america.

Yet, you say we are decaying??

Please. What country do you live in? Surely it isnt America.



Well-Known Member

youre not suppose to drink the bong water bro.

I imagine, with these kinds of thoughts, you think the country is in worse shape than where BUSH left it on the day he left?

Continues to decay?

The stock market has gone from 6800 to 18,000 under obama. There are NOT enough homes to sell today. Corporations are making profits unlike ever seen before. Banks are solvent. Businesses are growing and hiring. There is construction of major building projects in every major city in america.

Yet, you say we are decaying??

Please. What country do you live in? Surely it isnt America.

if you put aside the financial crisis when bush left, its probably worse off. not saying obama is much better than bush, but its a pick your poison situation. im guessing wages are down, more jobs have been outsourced, the environment is more polluted, obama has been worse on civil liberties, the supreme court passed citizens united, etc. you have fascist elements now. is your democracy better or worse than it was during bush's years? what about inequality?

of course your decaying long term, the country is not getting better, and many people here understand that and theyre starting to figure out that voting for a clinton, or a bush, or a cruz isnt going to fix it.

btw you have a massive stock bubble right now. the banks will collapse soon again.

i dont think it really matters if hillary gets elected, the country will cough up blood.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
if you can afford 1.6 trillion on war every year, you can afford free college.
if you can afford giving wall street money, you can afford free college.
We can't afford $1.6 billion a year for war.

We are broke.

Fixing our finances should come 2nd after destroying ISIS.

And Trump will carpet bomb them out of existence inside of 1 year.

It will be old school, Trump tells his Generals to do it, and leave them alone to do it.

Unlike Odumbo, putting rules and restrictions on the military that don't allow us to win.


Well-Known Member
We can't afford $1.6 billion a year for war.

We are broke.

Fixing our finances should come 2nd after destroying ISIS.

And Trump will carpet bomb them out of existence inside of 1 year.

It will be old school, Trump tells his Generals to do it, and leave them alone to do it.

Unlike Odumbo, putting rules and restrictions on the military that don't allow us to win.
*Trillion not billion.

u cant destroy ISIS by doing the same thing that created them. and the war profiteers wont let you stop the wars.


Inordinately Right
We can't afford $1.6 billion a year for war.

We are broke.

Fixing our finances should come 2nd after destroying ISIS.

And Trump will carpet bomb them out of existence inside of 1 year.

It will be old school, Trump tells his Generals to do it, and leave them alone to do it.

Unlike Odumbo, putting rules and restrictions on the military that don't allow us to win.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
if you put aside the financial crisis when bush left, its probably worse off. not saying obama is much better than bush, but its a pick your poison situation. im guessing wages are down, more jobs have been outsourced, the environment is more polluted, obama has been worse on civil liberties, the supreme court passed citizens united, etc. you have fascist elements now. is your democracy better or worse than it was during bush's years? what about inequality?

of course your decaying long term, the country is not getting better, and many people here understand that and theyre starting to figure out that voting for a clinton, or a bush, or a cruz isnt going to fix it.

btw you have a massive stock bubble right now. the banks will collapse soon again.

i dont think it really matters if hillary gets elected, the country will cough up blood.

Wages are DOWN, because we went into such a deep recession, we were close to a DEPRESSION. What did you think was going to happen to wages in a near collapse of the United States? Did you think the harm BUSH caused to the nation ended the day he left office??

The damage done by BUSH and the republican leadership in congress will last for at least two decades before its put back onto a track where the country is considered "FIXED".

That is of course, unless the republicans take control again, and we will see a repeat of HOOVER, REAGAN, BUSH, BUSH and the country will finally collapse under massive DEBT and DEFICIT SPENDING.

Throw in a couple of more wars and this country will see a depression that will make 1929 look like a holiday.

Jobs have been outsourced since REAGAN started it in 1982. Republican leadership and efforts to help the stock holders is to blame, and surely you dont really BELIEVE that Obama is responsible for job outsourcing?

Over 55,000 factories closed in the USA under the BUSH administration and moved overseas, and this AFTER they got the largest tax cut since reagan cut and collapsed the nation. The idea that cutting corporate taxes will keep jobs in America is the biggest joke the republicans have played on people like you RickyB.

Citizens United had nothing to do with OBAMA and everything to do with Republican Oligarchs trying to regain power in the USA. The conservatives on the bench voted 5 to 4 to pass Citizens United and today, you people cry like little babies about the money Hillary is raising. Get over that one already. You caused it.

The environment is polluted because for DECADES the republicans in congress have written laws allowing it, and then eliminating reponsibility for it and exempting them from lawsuits.

Democracy is WAAAY better off today than under BUSH.

Same sex marriage is legal, equal rights for women is now something in reality, discrimination in the workplace has been reduced, and demographics are changing in every state with exception of the rednecked states that refuse to accept change, they try to stay white and stupid.

Every stock market day is a bubble bro. Its all a shell game. Build it up, break it down, build it back up, break it down and take profits. Over and over, this economic casino gets rich on suckers dumb enough to play along.

The suggestion that we could see 5% GDP growth in todays times is a laughable idea. We make nothing. As a service industry nation, the dynamics or metrics for that kind of growth are a thing of the past.

We will be lucky if we can see 3% consistent growth in todays times.

Throw in GUEST WORKERS, and that number will continue to shrink along with wages.

As long as we import workers willing to work for low wages, what did you think was going to happen to the average wage in this country??

Did you believe it would go up??

Trump only offers one thing. Larger deficits, cutting taxes for the rich and raising the cost of living for the middle clases.

But the buffoons that will vote for him, will do so at their own perile. Like they did for Reagan, Bush and Bush.

Nothing has changed.

Give our president credit for keeping us out of a major collapse of this nation the day he walked into office.

Obama is black. GET OVER IT.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
We can't afford $1.6 billion a year for war.

We are broke.

Fixing our finances should come 2nd after destroying ISIS.

And Trump will carpet bomb them out of existence inside of 1 year.

It will be old school, Trump tells his Generals to do it, and leave them alone to do it.

Unlike Odumbo, putting rules and restrictions on the military that don't allow us to win.


Here comes the "Shock and Awe" rhetoric....

How did all that USA firepower work out in Afghanistan? Those mountain people didnt have HALF the arms that isis has, and they kicked the crap out of us in the helmand valley until we retreated out of there. The US military spent 80% of all the ordinance on those hills and we still had to tuck our tails and bail out of there before they wiped out every marine we sent there.

But YOU, think TRUMP can carpet bomb an invisible army into oblivion in a year. That is pure people thinking.

We are still in afghanistan, and the taliban still exists. We spent nearly three trillion there, but you think we can do the same for ISIS, then worry about how to pay for it??

Who are you, GEORGE W. BUSH?

We have RESTRICTIONS on our military because we were KILLING innocent civilians by the thousands you idiot.

War isnt a video game, it also isnt free reign to kill anybody we want just to make YOU feel better. In Iraq, civilian bodies were being stacked up at a rate of 300 a day from our wonderful missions there, and it got so bad, there wasnt enough morgues to handle the number of dead women, men and children being brought in in bags.

But you think war is great.

Get a grip.

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