Layoffs to come?


Well-Known Member
That's not necessarily going to be soon. Could be years or even decades from now. This recession/depression is not a regular, predictable event. I would hope you are right, but as an example, Japan's markets are going on 30 years of trying to recover from a bubble bust.

Oh I know. My statement wasn't time related. Just that they will be back sometime. Sorry for the confusion.:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
At my hub in So Cal the pt cover drives are laid off but getting some hours in the sunrise,and some are double shifting and coming in for the twilight sort. I think they took a pay cut too. No ft or combo people have been laid off as far as I know.

This is the wonderful part about UPS. If you get laid-off from your driver job you can get hours working the "sunrise shift". Most other companies would force you into the unemployement line.

I work in the north-east. When you mentioned the "sunrise" shift in So Cal , it puts nice thoughts into my head. This is why So Cal is the best place on earth!

I'm guessing the "Sunrise" shift is where you load the package cars for delivery. We call it the "preload" in New England and the sun doesn't rise until 7 AM and its always 10-20 degrees at this hour until we get to March:dissapointed:.


Bringin Teh_Lulz

Hey. UPSers, have anyone heard of any news on or experienced layoffs in your county? what jobs are affected? so far what I have known is the aircraft mechanics in US...would that happen in China? we have some rumous here in China.:sick:
We are building a new building in China - Shenzhen, so probably as much to worry about in China.


Bad Upsers! Bad Upsers! Sorry China. This guy has probably never even left his hometown.

Thanks to the sound of justice like above....I just realized that someone said sth wrong, however, I think he did not intend to discriminate, he just knows too little about the outside world, and China is just an example. I am not angry, as a Chinese.

The success that we enjoy in all aspects in our country would not be made possible without the leadership of the The Chinese Communist Party. Every righthearted adult in China can tell you, if asked, that the Communist Party represents the basic benefit of the people, and we trust them regardless of some limitations. It is the ruling party who has brought the country to a higher level of economic, social and cultural development in just 30 years from 1979 when the opening-up policy was implemented and 60 years from 1949 when the nation was established. My fellow UPSers, it is our people who select the communist party to become the long term and overwhelming ruling party, which is also determined by the unique need of China. I am not politician and I am not theorist, what I can tell you is just the truth that you may not know about! It is also every countrys liberty to select their individual way in developing their country; none of the business of other countries - this is too basic political knowlege about mutual respect of national sovereignty.

Speaking of food culture - my dear friends, look, we eat beaf, and Americans, Korean, European, etc. all eat beaf too, but the Indians do not; the French eat goose liver, the Chinese dont! (though it appears in some Western food restaurants). Come on, eating cuture has developed for hundreds, thousands of years in our country...nothing about ethics and politics. By the way, to clarify - we never eat pets.

Back to the reality - For a long period, most (not all) of overseas people in the Western world have been exposed to untrue, distorted and invented information about China. I personally have been studied in the UK for some years. They have been surrounded by the local mainstream medias who are used to circulating information from trustless source or drafting stories that are supported by impersonal and righteous facts, and the channels for them to find out the real things are limited, needless to say that China adopts a unique social development system. Remember the CNN TV lady MC? remember Madonna? Knowing above, all prejudicial statements about China are not surprising.

Best wishes to all!

PS. Welcome to China, explore our culture of 5000 years, and find the truth yourself if got opportunities to travel.
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Active Member
I cannot speak for the drivers or any union jobs, but our region is getting rid of more TSG jobs. What I heard was 10 full timer and 1 part timer are getting offered buy-outs.

The admins in my area area are starting to get worried but so far we haven't heard anything else. Hopefully what they announced yesterday will be it for a while.


Active Member
what are the options for the least senior person whose feeder route is eliminated. In some facilities their option is to work a split shift (am and come back in and work pm) in the hub. They have to do that before they can work back into the package ranks. But if they were in a center and lost work to a hub, can they follow that work to the hub?


golden ticket member

You can keep your Communism, no need to flaunt it here for our benefit.
Don't plan on ever visiting china......'china' is what I eat off of.

For every piece of junk we import from you, you should be obligated to take something of our' for one!


Well-Known Member
I do not believe that UPS will layoff any of its drivers because I see my driver every single day and it seems his truck is filled to capacity. I am not one to look for bad things to come so I think things are eventually going to turn back around for the best! If my driver gets canned I will NEVER ship via UPS again. Ok I doubt that but my loyalty to my driver is today, tomorrow and forever! Go Brown!

What will happen is UPS will eliminate a route and send another three out heavy. They do that in order to keep those trucks heavy! UPS staffing changes to mirror volume. So those drivers they don't need when volume is down they call back when volume rises again. So a laid off UPS driver isn't completely screwed. He's just waiting for the phone call to come back.


Retired 23 years
At the risk of starting WW III what isn't true about Raw's statement? (even though it was tacky to post it here)


Bad Upsers! Bad Upsers! Sorry China. This guy has probably never even left his hometown.


You can keep your Communism, no need to flaunt it here for our benefit.
Don't plan on ever visiting china......'china' is what I eat off of.

For every piece of junk we import from you, you should be obligated to take something of our' for one!

My message was to respond to Raws and clarify the misunderstanding accordingly, what got wrong there?

Youd better be careful when you say something to inflame and insult a country and a person. Think as what others think. Your superficialness does not deserve any debates.


well wisconsin is now in lay off mode. feeders are doing the state i have to bump back into packages. this to go through may, so i here.


New Jack
Well they are no longer allowing voluntary layoffs. They are soo greedy. Now the 4 layoffs will be the same guys, and will eventually lose their benefits. :angry:


promoted to mediocrity

I'm guessing the "Sunrise" shift is where you load the package cars for delivery. We call it the "preload" in New England and the sun doesn't rise until 7 AM and its always 10-20 degrees at this hour until we get to March:dissapointed:.
Around here "Sunrise" is differentiated from "Preload". Sunrise is a hub sort. We have (at least 1) building that has both a Sunrise and a Preload running concurrently, probably came about when the Night sort was elimanated, as the Sunrise sends preload loads to outlying centers.