Lock her up


Well-Known Member

this is typical of the SNL crew. they portray Trump as some hideous almost disfigured example with drooping jowls. They do some cute little hunt for Hillary skit . Other skits where they portray her as a hip , happening energetic woman who looks 40 years younger and has all the latest dance moves.
Both portrayals have absolutely nothing to do with the real character.
Its never mean spirited when they portray a democrat is always mean spirited when they portray the republican.


Well-Known Member
Lock her up!



golden ticket member
so many "baby daddies" do absolutely nothing but spread seed.........how fatherly of them!!!!! Be sure and get those Christmas checks written!!


Well-Known Member
No doubt Donald having three wives and five children between them is the ideal figurehead for all Christians.

I think you need to rephrase that to read:

Hillary was such a bad candidate that "Donald having three wives and five children between them is the ideal figurehead for all Christians"