Teamsters United = inexperienced and down right laughable.

You also work a lot harder ...
I agree we work hard but there are other professions that work harder.

You also put your body on the line every day!!
There are a lot of professions that put their body on the line. Soldiers but body parts on the line. There's a lot around this country that are missing them and a lot died. I feel so blessed that there are men and women that will do this to protect our country.

You also work for a company raking in the profits because of your labor!!
I hope to always call a company that makes good profits my profession. It's good job security. Just look at all those good UAW jobs that are gone.

Company friendly.
Anyone who works at UPS knows there isn't anything friendly going on here period.

Like hoffa hall and O.
Thank a God for those guys. Whenever I see any of them I shake their hand and tell them I appreciate them.


Well-Known Member
The slate has a who's who of inexperienced agents with as little as six months experience as business agents and stewards. Being a long time steward I have nothing but respect for all stewards. Steward to international Vice President is a real freaking leap. Knowing what I know and I will always be learning if the teamsters United was elected they would have to keep everyone that works at the international to know anything about anything. We would be a freaking joke.

The people that are employed at the international would be plucked up by other internationals in a heartbeat leaving a void of experience that would damn us into the Stone Age. Thank God this won't happen but it is very very scary. Any way Sandy Pope wouldn't even touch this band of gypsies. That's saying a lot.

In 1991 Walter S and William McArthy ran on an "experience" slogan and called Ron Carey "un-experienced."

This will happen in 2016 again!


wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
I'll ask again. SHOULD WE KEEP voting in your admitted weak leadership and wait for hoffa to croak to get stronger leadership??
You want to end the Teamsters Union? Then vote Sylvester and the zero experience know nothing slate. So irresponsible. You need to brain up a bit.