Trump Says He Will Not Pursue a Clinton Investigation


Perjury, destruction of evidence, conspiracy to commit
If that were actually true, she would be indicted and charged. Various people have been trying for decades to discredit the Clinton's, or charge them for something besides being unfaithful to their spouse.


Well-Known Member
If that were actually true, she would be indicted and charged. Various people have been trying for decades to discredit the Clinton's, or charge them for something besides being unfaithful to their spouse.

Are you like the public relations liaison for the clinton camp or what? Again what do you think that meeting with Lorretta Lynch was? Clear political bribery


Well-Known Member
Big League reason Trump isn't pressing charges?

There aren't charges to press.

He's Prez-elect, and someone let him in on the secret:

Alleging crimes against the Clintons is a Republican past time, but there's no 'there' there, and there mostly never has been.



Well-Known Member
who here actually thought he would pursue charges against clinton?

he's the president . He cant . He needed to distance himself from the investigation. Meanwhile Hillary is not out of the woods and is more at risk now that she will have not democratic AG to protect her.