
Nine Lives
I like turtles

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Retired 23 years
On my way to town this morning at 10:15 I met the guys just leaving the barn--------------------a good 40 to 45 minutes later than normal. I just smiled and waved.



Well-Known Member
So instead of helping fix the problem, you increase the problem by moving slower? Makes sense.
Im going to paraphrase a full-time sup that ran my shift a while back. The employee was trying to help figure out how to make his area run smoother. He was told to do his job, that it was not his place to help fix any problem on the shift.


Well-Known Member
So instead of helping fix the problem, you increase the problem by moving slower? Makes sense.

Gotta conserve energy for the long days to come

Ups could just hire some more drivers seeing as profits are high despite revenue being down but it is much easier to blame it on hourlies


Resident Suit
Im going to paraphrase a full-time sup that ran my shift a while back. The employee was trying to help figure out how to make his area run smoother. He was told to do his job, that it was not his place to help fix any problem on the shift.
Please tell me that supervisor is no longer employed.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Don't know, but they put a cabash on the unloading when cars filled up. Some of those were hub rolled. Can't imagine how much money we are giving back in refunds.
I bet they've got a way not to refund.

Was just curious what percent 20 loads would be for you. Here 20 loads is double a normal peak day.

Drink Craft Beer

Well-Known Member
By far the least prepared beginning of peak I've been a part of when it comes to the pre-load.

Monday we shutdown with 200% left in the yard. Get the call yesterday we're starting at 2:00am today instead of 3:15. Found out this morning we still had 250% left in the yard yesterday when center manager shut it down. Start time again changed to 2:00am tomorrow.

Understaffed, big time. Having seasonals working the split and loading (if you want to call it that) at the top of the belt. No communication whatsoever.,......send agains at the end of the belt piled up as high as the top of package cars. Supervisor(s) working the entire shift.

center manager says forecasts grossly under estimated. Blows my mind how that's possible when it's been known that online shopping has been trending up for quite sometime. Wouldn't be surprised if asked to work Saturday if they think they have a way to catch up??


Light 'em up!
Don't know, but they put a cabash on the unloading when cars filled up. Some of those were hub rolled. Can't imagine how much money we are giving back in refunds.

ORION only called for 70 cars. Once those 70 filled up, they cut off loading.

Rolled 4 trailers.

I don't know when corporate is going to cut their losses and get rid of this good for nothing ORION.

Target went into Canada and built stores. Spent $2B. Realized it was not working. Pulled out and cut their losses. UPS needs to follow their example.