When will UPS Union be decertified?


You know me...
Climate change is a scam. To think humans can do anything about it is the height of arrogance. Millions of years to repair it? 🤣
We already did.


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Well-Known Member
It was accepted as fact, just like the BS today
Lol not it wasnt

The first sentence in one of the sources provided

“The world's climate is changing. Of that scientists are firmly convinced. But in what direction and why are subjects of deepening debate.”

But in what direction and why are subjects of DEEPENING DEBATE

You should have been paying more attention in school and learning how science and the scientific theory works instead of doing all the drugs you now brag about doing. Or atleast just shut up and leave the science to the scientists, because you have no idea what you’re talking about

And just after

“The first half of this century has apparently been the warmest period since the “hot spell” between 5,000 and 7,000 years ago immediitely following the last ice age. That the climate, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, has been getting cooler since about 1950, is well estabt lished—if one ignores the last two winters.

It had been forecast by some specialists that last winter would be exceptionally cold, but as all ice skaters know, it was unusually mild in the New York area. In Boston it was the warmest in 22 years and in Moscow it was the second warmest in 230 years.”