UPS News

VIDEO: UPS driver attacked on his delivery route in San Francisco – KTVU

Police in San Francisco are investigating an attempted robbery after two men targeted a UPS driver.

The incident unfolded on Thursday around 2 p.m. near Gough and Haight streets.

Viewer video obtained by KTVU shows a man trying to steal a package from a 40-year-old delivery driver right in the middle of a street.

UPS News

Local UPS driver helps save man’s life outside southern Indiana hospital – WDRB

Jude Zoeller, a UPS employee, was pulling into Clark Memorial Hospital in Jeffersonville, Indiana, around 10 a.m. on Thursday, May 20, when he spotted Ken Nolan laying on the ground on a sidewalk near the entrance to the medical plaza near the hospital.

Zoeller said he was unloading boxes of medical supplies from his truck when he first spotted the 79-year-old man, laying facedown behind a large sign.

“His torso looked like it was kind of resting on the base of the sign,” Zoeller said. “At the angle from the parking lot with the cars and everything, I was probably the first person to see him.”

Knowing precious time was ticking by, Zoeller rushed inside the nearby medical plaza to get help. Medical staff came out and began CPR.

UPS News

‘Love Delivered’ – UPS

Like all creators, illustrator and graphic design artist Fernando Togni had a vision when he sat down in his studio and turned on some music. The process of creating an image to capture the essence of what Pride Month means was important.

“When you create something for Pride you always want to be vibrant. I wanted to create this rainbow connecting everything,” Fernando said. “In the end, the main aspect of it was to try and focus on camaraderie, joy and love … a theme that connects everything.”

The final product, titled Love Delivered, was completed in just three days. The progression says as much about Fernando’s talent as it does his inspiration.

UPS News

UPS takes Reading warehouse – Logistics Manager

UPS has taken the last speculative unit at the PLP-developed Island Road scheme in Reading in the south east.

It had agreed a 10-year lease on the 127,500ft2 building, which it will use for parcel deliveries as part of its shipping and supply chain management business, utilising the scheme’s location close to the city centre and M4.

The property benefits from 12m eaves, 102 parking spaces, a secure 61m yard, 10 dock and two level surface doors, as well as open plan fitted offices across two floors.

UPS News

United Parcel Service, Inc. (NYSE:UPS) Expected to Post Quarterly Sales of $22.34 Billion – Market Beat

Brokerages expect United Parcel Service, Inc. (NYSE:UPS) to post $22.34 billion in sales for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. Five analysts have provided estimates for United Parcel Service’s earnings. The highest sales estimate is $23.73 billion and the lowest is $19.90 billion. United Parcel Service reported sales of $20.46 billion during the same quarter last year, which would suggest a positive year over year growth rate of 9.2%. The business is expected to announce its next quarterly earnings report on Thursday, July 29th.

According to Zacks, analysts expect that United Parcel Service will report full-year sales of $90.80 billion for the current financial year, with estimates ranging from $82.12 billion to $95.30 billion. For the next year, analysts expect that the company will post sales of $93.21 billion, with estimates ranging from $83.06 billion to $99.57 billion. Zacks Investment Research’s sales averages are an average based on a survey of research analysts that follow United Parcel Service.