1000 Jobs Saved...


Well-Known Member
The US output of manufactured goods has quadrupled since 1980 but it's being performed by one fifth the number of workers. The job figures for November bear it out. We lost 4000 manufacturing jobs but created 63,000 new business sector jobs. The manufacturing jobs are not coming back It's like Mnuchi said that just the other day. He said the only way to counter the trend is to increase US exports. Manufacturing jobs in the future will be fewer in number and require much higher training, skills and education than what was required back in the 1950's.
Great point Bacha.

U.S. has lost 5 million manufacturing jobs since 2000


Well-Known Member
You don't get 8hrs/day as a package handler. TTKU
But still, are your guys going to get married, but a home, start a family, reach a few goals, retire with dignity, on $14hr. Are there opportunities for advancement? What about all the other people working for $8-10hr? With little chance for betterment as things stand? Is the economy working for them?


Well-Known Member
Drumpf is such a good negotiator for a few hundred jobs at Carrier but couldn't negotiate to have his products made here in the USA by Americans.:confused:
How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.
Play on words by the Clinton camp. Made and assembled are 2 different things.
I worked for a union (UNITE) uniform manufacturer many years ago. We got the contract for Carnival Cruise Lines to outfit their workers. We cut all the fabric in our shop, shipped it to China (I think, it was over 20 years ago :bored:), they assembled it, shipped it back to us and we reboxed it and sent it off to Carnival. The labels in the shirts/pants said 'Assembled in China', not 'Made in China'

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
But still, are your guys going to get married, but a home, start a family, reach a few goals, retire with dignity, on $14hr. Are there opportunities for advancement? What about all the other people working for $8-10hr? With little chance for betterment as things stand? Is the economy working for them?
Was I going to do any of those things at $9/hr part-time? No, that's why I advanced my career. You have to start somewhere and be driven to get better paying jobs. If you live in Mom's basement with everything paid for you're going to be less driven for more money. When I first lived on my own 3 of my paychecks every month went just to rent. That teaches you how to budget really quickly and find better employment.


Well-Known Member
Was I going to do any of those things at $9/hr part-time? No, that's why I advanced my career. You have to start somewhere and be driven to get better paying jobs. If you live in Mom's basement with everything paid for you're going to be less driven for more money. When I first lived on my own 3 of my paychecks every month went just to rent. That teaches you how to budget really quickly and find better employment.
And you did it in a better economy with options. Much more difficult these days.


Well-Known Member
Was I going to do any of those things at $9/hr part-time? No, that's why I advanced my career. You have to start somewhere and be driven to get better paying jobs. If you live in Mom's basement with everything paid for you're going to be less driven for more money. When I first lived on my own 3 of my paychecks every month went just to rent. That teaches you how to budget really quickly and find better employment.
I commend you for your work ethic. However, the problem is a lot of people today don't have that ethic and want people like you and me to pay for their laziness through government programs. You said it yourself "with everything paid for you're going to be less driven for more money". Laziness is contagious!


Well-Known Member
I commend you for your work ethic. However, the problem is a lot of people today don't have that ethic and want people like you and me to pay for their laziness through government programs. You said it yourself "with everything paid for you're going to be less driven for more money". Laziness is contagious!
When parents do it: wrong.
When gov't does it: best thing since sliced bread.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Trump campaigned against the type of deal he offered. He said paying these companies to stick around doesn't work. He would threaten them with high tariffs and they would fold and stay in the country. Now he changed his mind and for some reason his supporters think it's great.

Well, the first thing you do is don't let the jobs leave. The companies are leaving. I could name, I mean, there are thousands of them. They're leaving, and they're leaving in bigger numbers than ever. And what you do is you say, fine, you want to go to Mexico or some other country, good luck. We wish you a lot of luck. But if you think you're going to make your air conditioners or your cars or your cookies or whatever you make and bring them into our country without a tax, you're wrong. And once you say you're going to have to tax them coming in, and our politicians never do this, because they have special interests and the special interests want those companies to leave, because in many cases, they own the companies. So what I'm saying is, we can stop them from leaving. We have to stop them from leaving. And that's a big, big factor.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
He's taking all the credit for the Carrier deal under the guise of being president elect along with the power and influence that goes with it. Therefore the people at the other plants are also entitled to the same representation and influence that was used to strike the Carrier deal. They too are American citizens entitled to the same representation at the Carrier 800.

And posts like this are why people realize what an idiot you are.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Play on words by the Clinton camp. Made and assembled are 2 different things.
I worked for a union (UNITE) uniform manufacturer many years ago. We got the contract for Carnival Cruise Lines to outfit their workers. We cut all the fabric in our shop, shipped it to China (I think, it was over 20 years ago :bored:), they assembled it, shipped it back to us and we reboxed it and sent it off to Carnival. The labels in the shirts/pants said 'Assembled in China', not 'Made in China'

The Big Three auto plants I've visited had signs to the effect that only American-made cars could park in the lots closest to the entrance and that all foreign-made cars had to park in the satellite lots on the perimeter of the property. Now that Toyotas and Hondas are more "American" than many Big Three models, they've changed the signs to read that only Big Three cars can park in the good lots.

I thought that was hilarious!


Well-Known Member
This isn't a handout anymore than the mortgage interest deduction is.
That is a huge handout. Mostly to the rich and it only drives the cost of homes up. Find me an economist that thinks that's a good idea.

I am hardly what one would call rich and I take full advantage of that deduction.

I see it less as catering to the rich and more as an incentive for middle class home ownership.

The deduction has little to no effect on home prices.


Well-Known Member
That is a huge handout. Mostly to the rich and it only drives the cost of homes up. Find me an economist that thinks that's a good idea.
You think a mortgage deduction is only for the rich and how exactly does it drive up home cost. The 2 are not even connected.

I actually think it is not as beneficial to the wealthy. I have a few wealthy friends and they do not have mortgage payments. They pay cash for their homes. Therefor they have no interest deduction. I have no mortgage payment and I am not wealthy. I have taken the standard deduction every other year for the last 10 years since I paid my home off. I double up on property tax payments every other year and that puts me above the standard deduction limits.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I am hardly what one would call rich and I take full advantage of that deduction.

I see it less as catering to the rich and more as an incentive for middle class home ownership.

The deduction has little to no effect on home prices.
Economists disagree with you. Google mortgage interest deduction economics and you'll get several articles that explain the problems with it better than I can. Basically it's extremely regressive, the bigger your mortgage the bigger your tax subsidy. It alters the true cost of home ownership which affects home prices. If you can afford a $2 mil home you don't need government assistance on that mortgage.