(2013 --> 2020) Growth and Retraction of UPS Because of Amazon?


Well-Known Member
Volume will drop for sure.Less volume = less routes .Ups will still turn profits . They were here before Amazon and will remain in a world with Amazon. Question is will Amazon be able to go toe to toe with Ups when Ups decides to go to war > sales lead time is a comin` again

Amazon would crush UPS head on

There is no such thing as the republican party. It is now the trump party. The republican party died with John McCain.

lol if you truly think this..

All politicians are slimy ... it's in their nature.

Whatever gets them votes


Retired 22 years
. And the growth continues


Well-Known Member
That doesn't seem like many pilots, maybe a regional thing? I think I read UPS will have to hire like 300+ pilots for the 15 or whatever number of planes they're adding. I just remember being surprised by how many pilots were needed.

on top of the pilots needed for each plane there’s also 4 mechanics. We have grown a lot on the maintenance side. Amazon may continue to grow, but they are already having staffing issues because they don’t pay :censored2:!! Regardless of the media darling that amazon is, they have issues that aren’t discussed in the media.


Well-Known Member
on top of the pilots needed for each plane there’s also 4 mechanics. We have grown a lot on the maintenance side. Amazon may continue to grow, but they are already having staffing issues because they don’t pay :censored2:!! Regardless of the media darling that amazon is, they have issues that aren’t discussed in the media.
Amazon needs to grow just to hide the fact that only AWS really makes them money. If they were to stand pat for a few quarters analysts might start looking into that