
Do you believe the 22.4 hybrid will pass on this contract

  • YES

    Votes: 23 37.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 38 62.3%

  • Total voters


Inordinately Right
What are these hybrid drivers you speak of?
tenor (6).gif

browned out

Well-Known Member
Let's hope the Hoffa team cleans this up.

I would like to believe our dues supported and purported leaders would not be in the dark money realm.

Look to the latest indictment re Fiat Chrys
ler UAW .....
what a disgrace.. Hypocrisy. We would expect this from the company. When the union colluded with the company; it is a betrayrel to the highest degree. Go Hoffa!

browned out

Well-Known Member
I kind of fear what it'd be like to be a hybrid driver. Big pay bump, but your hours would be like 3 AM and then getting off at like 5 or 6 PM. It'd be like working peak year round.

Absoulutly. Preloading is extremely physically demanding. The preloaders are exhausted at the end of.their shift as it is. And then they are going to be put behind the wheel. Yikes. Let's hope this hybrid $ saving scheme does not lead to more injuries and accidents.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Two people doing the same job for a different pay rate, sarcastically sounds fair to me.
The two tier wages have been going on for decades inside the Hubs. Top rate PT making $35.65/hr down to Starting PT making $10/hr to Art 22.3 somewhere in between. Now all of a sudden it may effect delivery drivers and it's time to go on strike.


Is there a limit to how many people the cab cab to be hybrid drivers?

If there is no cap....it seems awfully convenient to address UPS's issue of high wages compared to the competition. Maybe I'm going out in a limb...but considering the language allows Hybrid Drivers to work up to 5 days a week including weekends; it seems like UPS is going to usher in a new work force at a lower wage through these drivers. I can see it now.

Management: "Hey Joe, your route is out today.

Joe: " why?"

Management: "We didn't have the volume. So we have some to so and so and the rest is going to be run by a hypothetical rid driver."

Rise and repeat until the bid routes shrink and shrink and we have a bunch of hybrids doing the majority of the work.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
The more I think about it
The more I feel hybrids would suck.
It combines the irregular hours of feeders with the workload of drivers and loaders.
No way anybody won't get tired of that.


Well-Known Member
The more I think about it
The more I feel hybrids would suck.
It combines the irregular hours of feeders with the workload of drivers and loaders.
No way anybody won't get tired of that.

That's what I was thinking. I mean if you were only out driving for 4 hours it wouldn't be bad. I can't imagine peak where you have to be at work around 2 AM and they have you out running routes til who knows what time at night.


Well-Known Member
If it passes say goodbye to ever making 100K a year. Maxed out bid drives will never get OT again except maybe during peak. Unless there is language protecting seniority to request the OT before a 22.4 gets it. But i dont see the company wanting to pay maxed out drivers time and a half for OT if they can pay a 22.4 less


Well-Known Member
The only way I will vote Yes with hybrid driver language is if the percentage in relation to regular drivers is low and the number of regular driver spots in a building now were guaranteed to be at least the number we have now.

I think my building is about 200 bid routes with 30 routes working on Saturdays. To me the 200 need to be locked in top pay routes and no more than 30 hybrid drivers, which would also replace our RTD drivers. If they need more drivers in the future they maintain that ratio, or something along those lines.

The language says that up to half the number of drivers can be 22.4. So 100 hybrid positions could be created in your building. The language also states that hybrid drivers can work their entire shift as drivers. It will be very easy to cut OT now.

It will be a very long time before UPS hires another ft driver.