30 consecutive days


Well-Known Member
And Photog and me?

Photog has made a smooth transition in to the next phase of his life. He rarely if ever posts in threads dealing with the day-to-day operations of the company. I am fairly certain that he does not encourage his former co-workers to call him for work-related advice.


Staff member
Photog has made a smooth transition in to the next phase of his life. He rarely if ever posts in threads dealing with the day-to-day operations of the company. I am fairly certain that he does not encourage his former co-workers to call him for work-related advice.

Shoot, Dave, I just stick around to bug you!:)


Well-Known Member
Photog has made a smooth transition in to the next phase of his life. He rarely if ever posts in threads dealing with the day-to-day operations of the company. I am fairly certain that he does not encourage his former co-workers to call him for work-related advice.
And when did I say i encouraged my buddies to call me. I'm sorry is their by laws that prevent a retired person from posting here. Does anybody even like you? Are you one of those the dog will not play with. I've already figured out by admission of your on that you cheat customers out of refunds due them by scanning their air so it doesn't show late. I swear you have to be in management, sorry management didn't mean to offend you. Karma is a bitch. When you get fired from ups for your lack of integrity don't post it on here cause I'm sure you wouldn't want a retired steward try to help you on how to get your job back.


Well-Known Member

Why? Because I speak the truth?

If I were on road and a retiree came up to me and started talking about the job I would politely wish him/her a nice day and be on my way. I certainly wouldn't take contract advice from someone no longer working there and would never even think of offering the same when it is my turn to hang 'em up.


Staff member
Why? Because I speak the truth?

If I were on road and a retiree came up to me and started talking about the job I would politely wish him/her a nice day and be on my way. I certainly wouldn't take contract advice from someone no longer working there and would never even think of offering the same when it is my turn to hang 'em up.

Be straight with us, Dave. None of the retirees from your building even want to talk with you.


Well-Known Member
That's quite a bold accusation made behind the privacy of your computer screen. I seriously doubt you would say the same if we were standing in front of one another.
What????????????????? Dude you really need to keep your teenager of the computer while your at work. I'm not some little punk your messing with. Nobody is hiding behind a computer screen you freaking maroon. You are in New York and I'm in Tn. Fortunately for you the only form of communication is thru the computer. If you would like a phone call so I can tell you what I really think of you send me a private chat and i will give you my phone number. I'm a big boy and can handle myself. Hadn't met a sup yet as arrogant as you. What a freaking maroon to make a statement that I'm hiding behind a computer screen. Whatever maroon, go scan your air so it doesn't show late. By the way you did lie. You said I encouraged people to call me and I never said that. LIAR.

Brown Spider

Well-Known Member

I'm sure your "buddies" can take care of themselves and don't need a bored busybody doing it for them.

You are retired----you do not need a contract book as there is nothing in that book that pertains to retirees.
You could have informed him that the contract is on line,but again you took the low road

You did a bit more than take the low road, Upstate, you took a real cheap shot. This is a guy whose former co-workers still reach out to for advice, a retired Steward who apparently still has the respect of those he represented. I can remember the retired Stewards who showed up at the picket line in '97. They brought coffee, soft drinks, talked about their strike in the 70's, and offered advice and support. It meant a lot to those of us who were on the line. Sorry you missed that.

Gotta' tell ya' though...I recently watched a Seinfeld episode where Costanza is asked the question that I just have to ask you. How do you live with yourself?


dave just doesn't want people using their union given rights to defend their work since he is a suit... i applaud you ouch for taking your personal time to help out other brown collar workers.


Well-Known Member
dave just doesn't want people using their union given rights to defend their work since he is a suit... i applaud you ouch for taking your personal time to help out other brown collar workers.

I have no problem and applaud those current employees who look to help out their younger co-workers.

I do have a problem with retirees who are unable to move on.

Get a clue! You no longer work here!!


Well-Known Member
I also know retired Union stewards that like to talk about the "way it was"' . Sometimes their advice is informative. More often it is out dated.

....and this is exactly the point I am trying to make. I am in no way trying to disrespect those who came before me but with all of the changes there is little relevance in their "advice".