30 seconds of panic....


Well-Known Member
I set the DIAD in the stairwell after delivering a resi to shoo some kids away from my bumper, no idea why I set it down. I told the kids to get away from my truck then walked around the drivers side and got in and took off. The DIAD fell out of the stairwell into heavy traffic. I stopped the truck and jumped out just in time to see it get run over! It was toast. center manager was on vaca and the supes didn't tell him for a couple months :)


Fight the power.
I lost mine a few months ago, that is an embarrassing phone call to make after searching the inside of a package car for half an hour. I had made a delivery and thought I left it laying on the seat. Supervisor used its GPS and told me exactly where it fell out of my car and was laying in the middle of an intersection. I probably ran over it myself turning around, it still worked.
Props for sharing that story.


Well-Known Member
Speak for yourself-----I have punched out within 15 minutes (usually less) of my normal non Peak end time throughout Peak and expect to do the same today, in spite of the anchor aka my "helper".
I'm sure you're fast Dave but Upstate NY has one of the worst economies in the US. A lot of us are getting hammered like never before.