For years UPS would preach to us that the company only makes .07 cents of profit per dollar made! I fear we our heading for trouble with all the mismanagement that is going on. When you start seeing the company cut basic expenditures such as uniforms, automotive repairs, office supplies, simple recognition awards, bathroom suppliers, building maintenance and more, you know we are in trouble! First, management is supposed to be innovative with forward thinking and cost saving planning through technology, Orion is not working period, it takes the driver to long to select the packages, to many left turns, service is suffering etc. etc. .07 profit gets eaten up real quick with all the extra time it takes to execute the solution! I know UPS is trying to move to automunus vehicles and that sounds great but the company may not make to that point if they don’t keep making profit and run the company properly, period! Second, we have to many people who do not know how to use the technology, some managers know how to use the technology but they do not to properly mange it because they do not have direct knowledge of the routes to fix the problems, just because you have college degree does not mean you know what you are doing! Third, human beings are still the best computers that the company have, they adapt to adversity better than anything out there and our jobs change every day, sometimes minute by minute. Every time UPs introduces new technologies it is making us slower less efficient! I know there are self sorting hubs but when they often break down I guess it’s a mess! Fourth, the bottom line is this: The more packages that you can deliver with least amount of people and package cars will make you the most money period! This 9.5 rule for all is costing us so much, period! Don’t you think if having lighter days and adding more routes would have made the company more money, they would have implemented the program years ago? Last but not least, all snowflakes should jump off now! If you don’t like the hours and don’t want to work for your money, then go somewhere else! I like having a top rate wage along with excellent insurance and a U.N. heard of pension now days! Where can you and work partime and get a $25,000.00 Insurance package for your family plus a pension plan for free, no where else! Yes the company is making money but they are getting desperate how they do it, mismanagement is running rampant and the work force does not want work as hard either! We are killing the golden goose and for you guys and gals who are retired or about to retire this affects you too! The less money coming into the retirement funds the less that will be paid out! .07 on the dollar is a fragile number UPS smartin up and quiet blowing it!