9/11 Never Forget and Never Believe


Resident Suit
no hes not. hes a supervisor and he probably treats his workers like garbage. and what else does he do? he does some kind of volunteer activity at some camp. well thats something but its not gonna stop fascism in america, its not gonna stop the outsourcing of jobs, and its not being politically engaged.

and if your not politically engaged trying to bring heaven on earth, then you are leeching off of the people past and present who are.
The worst thing I got on my employee surveys this year was "He's a little eccentric, but you get used to it." So yeah, I'm Satanic.

And don't preach to me about wanting heaven on earth and then putting down my volunteer activities. Go after my views, my music, whatever. But working with those kids has made me a better person and it makes a difference in their lives. So take your useless opinions and shove them up your ass.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
no hes not. hes a supervisor and he probably treats his workers like garbage. and what else does he do? he does some kind of volunteer activity at some camp. well thats something but its not gonna stop fascism in america, its not gonna stop the outsourcing of jobs, and its not being politically engaged.

and if your not politically engaged trying to bring heaven on earth, then you are leeching off of the people past and present who are.
It's funny how you think by you voting now and then or wearing a political tshirt or going to a protest at your convenience or being a vegan makes you more politically engaged. You have no idea what he does. And you can't even be bothered to vote in every election. SMH.


Resident Suit
It's funny how you think by you voting now and then or wearing a political tshirt or going to a protest at your convenience or being a vegan makes you more politically engaged. You have no idea what he does. And you can't even be bothered to vote in every election. SMH.
"But the election is decided before votes are even cast."

Yeah, that's what the liberals thought and now we have Trump.


Well-Known Member
It's funny how you think by you voting now and then or wearing a political tshirt or going to a protest at your convenience or being a vegan makes you more politically engaged. You have no idea what he does. And you can't even be bothered to vote in every election. SMH.
you missed a few things, at your convenience. i got your kid beat. and i know because frigidFTsup said so.

yea your right, i dont always vote and i should.


Well-Known Member
"But the election is decided before votes are even cast."

Yeah, that's what the liberals thought and now we have Trump.
i didnt think trump would win. i thought the system was so rigged that hillary would win. turns out only the Democratic primaries were rigged. the federal election is just :censored2:ed up.


the war in iraq was an inside job to steal resources like oil.

anyone who says 9/11 was an inside job should also say that their government invades and bombs countries around the world, has ruined 10s of millions of peoples lives, and the government is the leading terrorist organization in the country because it uses violence for political means around the world.

and we should distinguish between an "inside job" and a cover up which is what happened.

i say it wasnt an inside job because theres no way in hell the US government to who primarily serves the 1% is gonna blow up one of their buildings. the government is not going to destroy 1 of the epicenters of capitalism which it protects. the government doesnt need to blow up one of its own buildings as an excuse to blow up countries around the world because it blows up countries around the world anyways.

western populations are totally sleep walking. when a western country endures a bomb, its a big deal and everyone is sad. when a middle eastern country endures a bomb, not a mumbling word from the west.

during WWII it was fair game for the US government to kill hitler even though by doing so thats terrorism. so if some middle easterns are at war with america then its fair game for them to go after the president or similar type targets.

Noam Chomsky: The phrase 'war on terrorism' should always be used in quotes, cause there can't possibly be a war on terrorism, it's impossible. The reason is it's led by one of the worst terrorist states in the world, in fact it's led by the only state in the world which has been condemned by the highest international authorities for international terrorism, namely the World Court and Security Council, except that the US vetoed the resolution.

Noam Chomsky: Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it.
So it
True, but those of us that were around on 9/11, there's no chance in hell we will ever forget and it's up to us to remind them of it . Just my opinion.
so can you remind them of December 7th 1941 as well. I'm sure you remind them of other significant dates.


Well-Known Member
The worst thing I got on my employee surveys this year was "He's a little eccentric, but you get used to it." So yeah, I'm Satanic.

And don't preach to me about wanting heaven on earth and then putting down my volunteer activities. Go after my views, my music, whatever. But working with those kids has made me a better person and it makes a difference in their lives. So take your useless opinions and shove them up your ass.
im glad your a "better" person. you still got a ways to go.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
you missed a few things, at your convenience. i got your kid beat. and i know because frigidFTsup said so.

yea your right, i dont always vote and i should.
Yes it was at my convenience. Wasn't worth the effort to look for that post. And no, you don't have my kid beat. She is doing more at 17 than you will probably ever do. Only thing you have over her is the donations. She is doing more though....she's donating her TIME to worthy causes.