A win for FedEx Freight drivers!

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Where are you going to find lower stress than an RTD job? The hours can be whacked for some if they are working graveyards and weekends, Other than that its one of the easiest, laid back jobs at FedEx. As far as leaving for greener pastures in truck driving, where would that be? Where else are you going to go find a job that pays you close to $30 an hour, M-friend, 6 weeks vacation, and you sleep half your shift? Most local truck driving jobs around here start at $15-17 hr. Big pay cut and OTR just flat out sucks for most people

I'm curious, I've been at FedEx longer than you and I maxed out vacation at 5 weeks when I hit 20 years. Where are you getting 6 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to wake you from your nap. I tell you what. When you're ready to wake up I'll give you that list. Until then enjoy the take aways every year.;)

Hey SPH....You need to stay with me here man. Focus..Focus. I am not contesting the take aways the company has done over they years. I agree with you on that point. I am not some FedEX apologist. What I am challenging you on is your assertion that most RT drivers are leaving. That they are going to greener pastures with more pay and less stress.

Up until a couple weeks ago we have not had a driver leave in 2 years, but we have hired over that time. So "most" of our drivers are still here. Look at JCATS. There are not hundreds of RTD openings because there is no mass exodus for the greener pastures. What kind of stress do you think an RTD is under? There is none because if driving big trucks in all kinds of weather and traffic conditions doesn't scare you, then its probably one of the easiest and best jobs within FedEx. You pulled that whole statement out of your ass and you know it. Thats why you have tried to deflect the conversation down another road and trying to portray me as kissing Freds boots. The conversation isn't about what FedEx has taken from us, but about the asinine statement you made.

If you reply I hope you stay on track with time and prove to me that all the RT drivers that are leaving in droves for these new pie in the sky jobs. Stop talking about Unions and takeaways because thats not what this conversation is about.


Hey SPH....You need to stay with me here man. Focus..Focus. I am not contesting the take aways the company has done over they years. I agree with you on that point. I am not some FedEX apologist. What I am challenging you on is your assertion that most RT drivers are leaving. That they are going to greener pastures with more pay and less stress.

Up until a couple weeks ago we have not had a driver leave in 2 years, but we have hired over that time. So "most" of our drivers are still here. Look at JCATS. There are not hundreds of RTD openings because there is no mass exodus for the greener pastures. What kind of stress do you think an RTD is under? There is none because if driving big trucks in all kinds of weather and traffic conditions doesn't scare you, then its probably one of the easiest and best jobs within FedEx. You pulled that whole statement out of your ass and you know it. Thats why you have tried to deflect the conversation down another road and trying to portray me as kissing Freds boots. The conversation isn't about what FedEx has taken from us, but about the asinine statement you made.

If you reply I hope you stay on track with time and prove to me that all the RT drivers that are leaving in droves for these new pie in the sky jobs. Stop talking about Unions and takeaways because thats not what this conversation is about.
I think you need to go back and read MY posts. I never said most RTD are leaving, nor did I say you have a high stress job. My point is simple. For someone who isn't topped out or have a pension with FedEx, there are better options out there. You seem to not understand that there are two different tiers of wages and benefits for the same class of employees at Express. Whether you are an rtd or courier. Someone who is not topped out nor under the old pension plan has no real reason to stay at FedEx.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to go back and read MY posts. I never said most RTD are leaving, nor did I say you have a high stress job. My point is simple.

Yep...You are right. I apologize. It was "SmithBarney" was was talking out of his rear and doesn't have an understanding of whats going on. He never came back to defend his position and you kept posting, so I assumed it was you.

As far as your simple point, we all agree with that. Its a jacked up system and am thankful I am topped out. FedEx is a decent part time job(unless you can get a paid internship in your chosen field) while you are going to school and having them pay for it. Get your education and get out.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
That's the plan with FedEx. They can get the same productivity out of a 2 month veteran that they can from a 10 year. Why would they want people to stick around and cost them more? It's a temporary job.


That's the plan with FedEx. They can get the same productivity out of a 2 month veteran that they can from a 10 year. Why would they want people to stick around and cost them more? It's a temporary job.
They are finding out that is not the case. This is why they had to give a 15% to some stations for peak. This is why there is a major organizing campaign at Freight. You can only push so much before employees start pushing back.


Yep...You are right. I apologize. It was "SmithBarney" was was talking out of his rear and doesn't have an understanding of whats going on. He never came back to defend his position and you kept posting, so I assumed it was you.

As far as your simple point, we all agree with that. Its a jacked up system and am thankful I am topped out. FedEx is a decent part time job(unless you can get a paid internship in your chosen field) while you are going to school and having them pay for it. Get your education and get out.
Exactly, FedEx is no longer a career job. There are better options out there and not just driving jobs. For anyone starting at FedEx, get what you need out of FedEx and get out.


Engorged Member
Hey SPH....You need to stay with me here man. Focus..Focus. I am not contesting the take aways the company has done over they years. I agree with you on that point. I am not some FedEX apologist. What I am challenging you on is your assertion that most RT drivers are leaving. That they are going to greener pastures with more pay and less stress.

Up until a couple weeks ago we have not had a driver leave in 2 years, but we have hired over that time. So "most" of our drivers are still here. Look at JCATS. There are not hundreds of RTD openings because there is no mass exodus for the greener pastures. What kind of stress do you think an RTD is under? There is none because if driving big trucks in all kinds of weather and traffic conditions doesn't scare you, then its probably one of the easiest and best jobs within FedEx. You pulled that whole statement out of your ass and you know it. Thats why you have tried to deflect the conversation down another road and trying to portray me as kissing Freds boots. The conversation isn't about what FedEx has taken from us, but about the asinine statement
If you reply I hope you stay on track with time and prove to me that all the RT drivers that are leaving in droves for these new pie in the sky jobs. Stop talking about Unions and takeaways because thats not what this conversation is about.

There are many locations short on RTDs. In my district there has been high turnover, but nothing like the courier exodus. RTD is a lot less stressful if you don't mind a large vehicle and some weird hours.


Well-Known Member
Any little bit is good. Ground is the big threat though. We'll need federal legislation or at least state legislation in enough states, which won't be easy.

Can't say I've been as involved as I should be... Gonna start though, for reals. I'll be at the next meeting. Who's with me?


The resident gearhead
I am a 22 year employee and still at the bottom 1/3 of seniority at my location. That means there are a lot of topped out people at my location. That means most of us are not going anywhere. Now the people that are not topped out could leave and go work 16 hours a day in the oil fields.
I'm a 10 year employee at ups. I make more than you and get more vacation. Just saying.