

Well-Known Member
Absolutely, say one thing and do another ... just like UPS management.

it may be the most confusing aspect of politics . you would think liberals would want to grow their base by making it harder to have abortions.

and that racist conservatives :-)-D) would support abortion centers in low income / minority areas.


Nine Lives
it may be the most confusing aspect of politics . you would think liberals would want to grow their base by making it harder to have abortions.

and that racist conservatives (=D) would support abortion centers in low income / minority areas.
Exactly ... I have made that observation multiple times.
If it was not for abortion, the last republican President would have been Reagan.
Carter was such a goober, almost any Publicat would have won.

jammy peanut.jpg
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Nine Lives
it may be the most confusing aspect of politics . you would think liberals would want to grow their base by making it harder to have abortions.

and that racist conservatives :-)-D) would support abortion centers in low income / minority areas.
Just think what the Publicats would be if they had initiated incentives for Blacks, Hispanics and other undesirables to have an abortion?
The country would be in much better shape!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
SO sad........

Abortions Kill More People Every Year Than Heart Disease or Cancer | LifeNews.com


And just as sad is the fact that people will deny it. For example. Take a look at snopes.com's reaction. Particularly this comment.....

"None of the entries on the list save for the last involves intentional killing, while nearly every other entry on the list other than the last references some form of medical malady."

Causes of Death in the United States

So.....according to snopes.com an abortion is an unintentional killing? That is beyond repulsive thinking. I guess that's the best they could come with while trying to refute the statistic. That and some of the data was from past (but recent) years but everyone knows thats where data comes from. Unless one can see the future. And they took issue with abortion not being included in the source data. Well, it obviously should be and that's part of the point. But for many people, including snopes.com, its more convenient to ignore the fact that abortion is an act of intentionally killing a person.


Well-Known Member
I would that in order to list Abortion as a cause of death one must first determine at what point during gestation a clump of cells becomes a human being.

Abortions performed during the first and second trimesters should not be included.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I would that in order to list Abortion as a cause of death one must first determine at what point during gestation a clump of cells becomes a human being.

Abortions performed during the first and second trimesters should not be included.
Its a living baby during the first and second trimester no matter how sickly you try to justify killing it. You cannot kill something if it was never alive to begin with. There is no "gray area" during which a baby is technically not alive and makes it "OK" to KILL it.
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Well-Known Member
Its a living baby during the first and second trimester no matter how sickly you try to justify killing it. You cannot kill something if it was never alive to begin with. There is no "gray area" during which a baby is technically not alive and makes it "OK" to KILL it.

Medical science would strongly disagree with you.

I do not advocate abortion as simply another birth control option but do believe that a woman should have the right to terminate her pregnancy, for whatever reason, in the first and second trimesters, and for medical reasons (birth mother, fetus or both) only in the third. Abortions performed in the third trimester for other than medical reasons should be considered murder.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Medical science would strongly disagree with you.

I do not advocate abortion as simply another birth control option but do believe that a woman should have the right to terminate her pregnancy, for whatever reason, in the first and second trimesters, and for medical reasons (birth mother, fetus or both) only in the third. Abortions performed in the third trimester for other than medical reasons should be considered murder.

Medical science does not disagree with me. Medical science dictates that from the moment of conception a baby combines 23 chromosomes from the mother and the same from the father to form its own unique genetic code. You are likely referring to like minded (as yourself) medical doctors and researchers that do so because its a convenient way to justify killing babies. And some of them are benefitting monetarily from abortions.

And again....you can't kill something that isn't alive. Killing, aborting, terminating, murdering are all one in the same as far as the baby is concerned. But hey!.......at least its illegal to kill a bald eagle while it's still in its egg! Priorities......priorities.....