

Well-Known Member


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Abortion has to be the dumbest, destructive thing man has come up with. Creates cold selfish cultures and self exterminates.
Think about it though. It's something I disagree with on a personal level, but most of the ones having them (or who could use them) really aren't the kind of people I want more of anyway. The other day I had this woman in her late 30's come out of her no-DR sh* hole, cigarette in her mouth, bloated pregnant belly and all. All I could think was how happy I was to be out working my ass off to help pick up part of the tab on that.


Well-Known Member
A white racist like you should support abortion.
Abortions in Afro-American and Mexican populations resulted in lower crime rates in the United States.

Abortion and crime: who should you believe? - Freakonomics

while I attempt to learn, what I am always assumed to be the liberals have mastered this form of racism by making these baby removal mills easily accessible to people of color.

meanwhile republicans keep hoping that people of color will someday remember that while the liberals provide them with cheap pretty cosmetics republicans actually set them free. And a great republican man of color led the civil rights battle until some hate filled cracker democrat ended his life.
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while I attempt to earn what I am always assumed to be the liberals have mastered this form of racism by making these baby removal mills easily accessible to people of color.

meanwhile republicans keep hoping that people of color will someday remember that while the liberals provide them with cheap pretty cosmetics republicans actually set them free. And a great republican man of color led the civil rights battle until some hate filled cracker democrat ended his life.
Dear lord.......


Well-Known Member
Dear lord.......

He hasn't been willing to admit that the 'Party of Lincoln', during the time of Lincoln, isn't the same party as the current Republican party.

He thinks current day Republicans freed the slaves, which is an obtuse thing to think, for so many reasons.

I like when he posts the meme about Lincoln/slaves/democrats.

It's like, where do you start?