Any other centers using AI for their routes


Good thing I wore my brown pants
Yeah people have been doing that but the pickups end up missed because the other driver who got the off route pickup just zeroed it out instead of asking the center to move it back to the right route 😂
Oooof. I absolutely communicate when it's not right. But if they don't correct it, that's on them. Now. In your scenario, that's happened. And I've been instructed to scan it in as a walk up, in the past. Not my problem. "Sure thing boss."


Well-Known Member
We got it a couple weeks ago. Only thing I noticed that changed is that I have a main road with commercial on it that I do first thing and someone else comes later and does the surrounding residential areas off that main road. Now it gives me some of those house stops. Basically one block north and one block south the entire length of the main road. It winds up padding my stop count so I don’t get my usual 40 stop add cut from some random area dumped on my 8s at the end of the day. My air runs closer to trace too, less running around.
did you or other centers with this notice a reduction in the amount of daily routes dispatched?
We got it a couple weeks ago. Only thing I noticed that changed is that I have a main road with commercial on it that I do first thing and someone else comes later and does the surrounding residential areas off that main road. Now it gives me some of those house stops. Basically one block north and one block south the entire length of the main road. It winds up padding my stop count so I don’t get my usual 40 stop add cut from some random area dumped on my 8s at the end of the day. My air runs closer to trace too, less running around.
like ORION it's only as good as the underlying trace/map

good map, good solutions

bad maps.....
Yeah they have the AI thing here now the routes are noticeably weirder than last year. The worst part is how it moves pickups to the wrong routes if they cover some of the same area…they have to manually move the pickups back every day lol.
those pickups were already part of that areas trace, the dispatcher had just them them off by plan but now has to manually