Any other centers using AI for their routes


25+ Year UPSer and Teamster
Everyone works at a different pace but some people really milk the system

We make good money, it sucks sometimes and we are better off than many other people

But just a few people do not get it and it's aggravating
"Runners and Gunners" aggravate me. My attitude has always been that I don't care what other people do unless it messes with my life. Those clowns tend to do just that. Every time I'm off, whether it's for one day or a week or two for vacation, those motards always jack something up that I end up having to fix and/or get to hear a customer complain about. All because they couldn't just do their jobs right. They think they are good drivers and are mostly babied as management looks the other way as they cut corners and screw the customers (and their "brothers" so....when they are actually expected to work a full day they react like entitled kids. I laugh out loud when they whine about how they're going to show them by "staying out" and all that nonsense. What they really mean is that they'll do their jobs correctly instead of screwing over the customers and their coworkers.

Slugs do exist though. Every center has one or two. But in the eyes of a runner and gunner anyone that isn't cutting corners and doing 10.5 hours worth of work in 7.5 is a slug.
"Runners and Gunners" aggravate me. My attitude has always been that I don't care what other people do unless it messes with my life. Those clowns tend to do just that. Every time I'm off, whether it's for one day or a week or two for vacation, those motards always jack something up that I end up having to fix and/or get to hear a customer complain about. All because they couldn't just do their jobs right. They think they are good drivers and are mostly babied as management looks the other way as they cut corners and screw the customers (and their "brothers" so....when they are actually expected to work a full day they react like entitled kids. I laugh out loud when they whine about how they're going to show them by "staying out" and all that nonsense. What they really mean is that they'll do their jobs correctly instead of screwing over the customers and their coworkers.

Slugs do exist though. Every center has one or two. But in the eyes of a runner and gunner anyone that isn't cutting corners and doing 10.5 hours worth of work in 7.5 is a slug.
You don't get it


25+ Year UPSer and Teamster
You don't get it
Oh I assure you I do. There are runners and gunners. And there are slugs. The sweet spot is somewhere in the middle. The guys in the middle that follow as many methods as possible, follow ORION (except to avoid service failures and dangerous situations), make pickups on time, and show up everyday tend to do right by their customers and are generally left alone by management. So simple.
Oh I assure you I do. There are runners and gunners. And there are slugs. The sweet spot is somewhere in the middle. The guys in the middle that follow as many methods as possible, follow ORION (except to avoid service failures and dangerous situations), make pickups on time, and show up everyday tend to do right by their customers and are generally left alone by management. So simple.
Management doesn't leave anyone alone especially now


25+ Year UPSer and Teamster
I gave up on even asking for anything to get fixed in the system. When it did it only got fixed for the day, or maybe the week at best.
Thats partly because of the runners and gunners that fill the dispatch office every morning to complain about……everything. It’s just too much to handle for one dispatcher.
We were already cutting like crazy but they did manage to get rid of a couple more. Mondays are even more of a disaster now.
Things got a little better in my loop once they started having to hand me penalty pay checks. If the union doesn’t screw us over on the two-day penalty pay things should get even better.


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