Anybody else going through this stuff at your hub??

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
Nothing quite destroys my preload pace on numbers January like making sure only the AM stops in an over-dispatched car get placed on the floor and pulling every dirty stunt in the lexicon of former driver knowledge to ensure those residential irregular over-70s are out of head-striking distance.
Or they could just reduce the stops per car by literally 15.
These are "extra work" drivers that cannot be on the 9.5 list by the way.


No, my name isnt mike
9.5 list and every time your called in the office to talk about numbers “sorry boss I’ll try harder” if you’re over by two minutes on the 3rd day file. Don’t even say hello to them in the morning without a steward present. Watch how fast they move onto someone else. Roll over and play dead, expect to have a target on your back your entire career. They love shooting fish in a barrel. They hate package drivers with a backbone. By the time I left package, they were avoiding me. Never seen my center manager so happy the day he got the call from feeders that I was being called up. He was doing a safety ride on a Buddy. Friend said he was jumping for joy when he got the call. People, have a backbone and stand up for yourself. All the other BS will end. Trust me.
The management friendly folks are always so surprised when they get called into the office, terminated and just plain get screwed over. Everyone has a target on their back.


Well-Known Member
They usually let management lackeys slide so as to pump info on fellow members. Watch what you say around the “younglings” gents. They know not.....


Active Member
The over dispatch, the stupid discipline, the "we need to talk about your numbers"?

Yes. I get talked to for my backing. I've never had an incident and only heard about it a few times in my career. I'm doing my job as efficiently and safely as I see fit. I'm on the top of the list of my division a lot. I don't care. I keep doing my job I'm not going to listen to people that sit at a desk and say what I'm doing is wrong.


They've been on us about production since January 2nd. Excel spreadsheets, telematics reports, pie charts, bar graphs, you name it. Our "driver efficiency" board looks like the first few pages of an intro to Microeconomics textbook.

The best part is that 4 full time driver spots opened at our center. HR told us we can only fill 1. Then management tries to skirt around the contract by having air drivers run ground for a few hours in the morning to alleviate the over-dispatch.
Then when RPCDs file grievances on it, management looks like this...


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Union screwed up royally by not making work over 9.5 automatic pay rate. Nice thinking leadership, putting the employee in a unnecessary adversarial position.


Got the T-Shirt
You talking about the contract that was rejected by the members? Leadership let it go through anyway?

Only 45% of the members voted. That's not a majority.

Just as, if when organizing a company to be Union.... 45% doesn't win the election.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Only 45% of the members voted. That's not a majority.

Just as, if when organizing a company to be Union.... 45% doesn't win the election.
Don't care how many voted. That is their right. Bottom line is, those who did vote, rejected the proposal.


Got the T-Shirt
@quad decade guy and @What'dyabringmetoday???

When are your nuptials ?

I apologize.... I won't be able to attend, but I'll send a nice fruit basket.

Why aren't you out saving jobs?

How many UPS people do you think fork-up on a daily basis ?

You don't seem to have any confidence in your co-workers.

Or do you spend that time blaming members for your failures?

What failures ?

But then, who do we look to about contractual matters ?

Start.... by involving yourself at the Local level.

(Or, come here and let me piss you off) :biggrin:

The company has laughed at the weak union leadership for years.

You can blame Ron Carey for that.

The only thing he did right.... was call Dave Murray's bluff.
