Are these boots ok?


Well-Known Member
Only when it's the flavor of the month
Which here is never. They're happy most of the time when all drivers show up. It's sad. It's gotten like the PT ranks. I had a PT tell me a few months ago he hasn't shown up on Fridays in 2 months. No one says a word. When he shows up Monday they are just happy he's there.

Not saying I enjoy having my balls broken about dumb sheet but if they don't care about how we look anymore, next it will be they won't care about who they hire. They'll let anyone with a pulse drive

rocket man

Well-Known Member
Hello UPS'ers,

I'm new to the team and am currently going through the fun of finding a suitable work boot for the day to day. I have purchased a Chelsea style Timberland. Was curious if I could get some insight on them being good standard in regards to the uniform policy. Went in for my first day today. HR lady kinda gave me a look and mentioned them as stylish.. I just want to make sure I'm in regulation and don't stand out or look like a fool. Any constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cheers to all you UPS'ers out there.
There your feet . What other colors do they come in