bonus vote & goons


File! File! File!
I have been sent out to run a misload that was 2 blocks off the drivers route. Big bonus baby. Really got mad one day when he left an overweight for the 3 floor of an apartment building on the dock and I brought it back as NI 1.
That crap wouldn't fly at our center. We only have about 30 drivers and fools like that will catch a lot of flack.
Second I would probably refuse to pick up after him and tell my sup to make him do his job!

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
That crap wouldn't fly at our center. We only have about 30 drivers and fools like that will catch a lot of flack.
Second I would probably refuse to pick up after him and tell my sup to make him do his job!
Air drivers pick up extra work by delivering everything left in the building after the drivers leave. Drivers know which stops are more time consuming and amazingly they don't always get loaded on the package car before leaving.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
In my 30 years I have seen some interesting terminations, and a disproportionate number of them have been hardcore bonus drivers.
The guy who got fired for taking out a telephone pole and totaling a package car by driving, using his DIAD, and calling his next stop on a cell phone with a COD amount all at the same time...was a bonus driver.
The guy who got fired for cutting “adult signature required” stickers off of the packages and sticking them in mailboxes...was a bonus driver.
The guy who would record entire pages of imaginary packages for bulk stops (back when we were on paper) during his lunch break and then forge a signature for them in order to bump up the piece count on his time card...was a bonus driver.
The 32 year driver who got fired for rolling a stop sign while recording on his DIAD and causing a woman to T-bone him at 40 MPH...was a bonus driver.
The 2 guys who got fired for coming up with the bright idea of adding 25 miles per day to the odometer reading on their time cards...were bonus drivers.

You know what really sucks?
Management knew these guys were dirty and knew these guys were cutting corners, but they chose to look the other way and do nothing until a serious accident happened or Loss Prevention started sniffing around.
These guys all thought that their all-star numbers made them untouchable and that their management buddies who had looked the other way for so long would go to bat for them if anything bad ever happened.
They were wrong.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!

you enter muffin man or anything other than

last name you deserve to be fired,

I use a first name everyday to keep from interrupting a phone call or customer time from a sales person. A simple smile and wave with an indication of how many packages I left where I always place deliveries is, IMO, the correct thing to do when the person is wearing a name tag!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
But you make it sound like by doing the job correctly it’s impossible to bonus, which isn’t the case. I just don’t understand that attitude or the jealousy/animosity towards the ones who get bonus.
NEAR impossible is what I said. And that's many of our routes. And trust me.....the only jealousy occurs among bonus babies. They are the only ones that whine about time allowances. But not their routes. It's always other driver's routes they worry about.


Well-Known Member
What's really concerning about this;

Is the company's ability to manipulate the CIR names.

@babboo25 might think "I made customer contact" by announcing UPS and

wave at someone.... and oh.... I must have hit the wrong button on the name.

Really ?

If you are presented with those type of name choices, it might be a set-up.

Or, a customer tracks the pkg and calls in a complaint....

Because they don't have anyone named "the muffin man".

Actions have consequences.

Think about it.

I might hit muffin man cuz it’s funny.


Well-Known Member
UPS has removed all incentives to work faster and be more productive. The faster you go, the less you are paid, the more work they put on you. Any mistakes working quickly are penalized severely. Orion is set up to save miles, not a drivers' time. Do you see the built in conflict of the drivers' interests except for the forced overtime? We are service providers, not production workers in a controlled environment. Be safe, take good care of the shippers and the end customer. And hopefully UPS can keep us sustainable into the future.