Buffalo Shooting


Well-Known Member
Notice I said build a wall and enforce it. You want to put words in my mouth because you know that ultimately the objection to Hispanics as a group is hatred. Both sides have let us down on this problem. America first means America for all citizens including Hispanics. And doing everything possible to control the flow at the border because even the biggest ships can be swamped. We should have also been developing the Americas instead of putting all of our eggs in the China basket. We had the one president willing to try and fix a number of issues but people in Washington of all political stripes have gotten rich with the status quo and weren't going to let him mess up their good deal. Orange man bad indeed.
What are you talking about most Hispanics as a group only have hatred? The silliest thing I’ve ever heard if you’re talking about places like SPLC or perhaps La Raza those are just democrat fronts and do not represent Hispanics. Most of them are quite patriotic and conservative. Almost the silly as saying all union members vote democrat.


Strength through joy
Funny you should mention La Raza, I haven't heard from them for a while.
How are they doing ?
Do they still want to own and govern CA after all the wildfires have destroy everything ?


Well-Known Member
You put your own words in your mouth my friend. The wall does nothing if it’s not enforced is exactly right and it will not be enforced anytime there’s a democrat in office so again it does nothing so every 4 to 8 years we are giving amnesty because you say it’s humanitarian. Put some real restrictions and penalties for people who cross illegally like never being able to vote or never being able to have Social Security and we can talk. Guess what it will never happen because both sides like illegal immigration.
If they're voting it's illegally and in small numbers. Y'all are demonizing a whole group of people who are the ones doing all the crap work you won't do. I certainly would be in favor of a law that prohibits citizenship for them if they're here illegally and as I always said put up a wall and enforce it. The Democrats are going to get so spanked in November that they may be loathe to continue to not enforce the border. If the half million plus a month does happen they're going to have a seriously difficult time winning elections.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Sleepy Joe gets involved. Anybody hear him call the Waukesha Christmas parade attack terrorism?

Waukesha according to Biden was a "horrific act of violence.”.

He was too busy to go to Waukesha but he's rushing to Buffalo.

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Well-Known Member
What are you talking about most Hispanics as a group only have hatred? The silliest thing I’ve ever heard if you’re talking about places like SPLC or perhaps La Raza those are just democrat fronts and do not represent Hispanics. Most of them are quite patriotic and conservative. Almost the silly as saying all union members vote democrat.
No, I'm talking about these negative stereotypes y'all are putting forth here. That's based on fear, distrust, and hatred. I get it, all these poor people undercut wages. They swamp and close down ER's. Quite a few commit serious crime. Let me ask you, should we not build a wall and slow them down to a trickle or do you think it's a waste of time? If Trump wins in '24 and DeSantis follows him for 8 years that's 12 years of better border policies. It'll be awhile before people forget just how :censored2:ed up the Democrats have gotten things. If no wall what's your solution?


Well-Known Member
No, I'm talking about these negative stereotypes y'all are putting forth here. That's based on fear, distrust, and hatred. I get it, all these poor people undercut wages. They swamp and close down ER's. Quite a few commit serious crime. Let me ask you, should we not build a wall and slow them down to a trickle or do you think it's a waste of time? If Trump wins in '24 and DeSantis follows him for 8 years that's 12 years of better border policies. It'll be awhile before people forget just how :censored2:ed up the Democrats have gotten things. If no wall what's your solution?
I didn’t give you any negative stereotypes,
If I took a poll of every Hispanic I Knew Trump would most likely win lol, so I have no idea what you’re talking about other than you’re living in some pretend world where you believe every single thing you’ve been told by one side. I also didn’t say a wall could “never” work but it won’t work when it’s controlled by a side that doesn’t want to every few years. And your only answer is Amnesty after they open the floodgates you gotta stick with me here buddy. There has to be real laws that have real consequences for the people who come when they break the law. When you and I break the law there’s real consequences.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about most Hispanics as a group only have hatred? The silliest thing I’ve ever heard if you’re talking about places like SPLC or perhaps La Raza those are just democrat fronts and do not represent Hispanics. Most of them are quite patriotic and conservative. Almost the silly as saying all union members vote democrat.
Dude you got a layoff the talk shows your rage is undo LOL, The Democrats will lose and they deserve to.

El Correcto

god is dead

This movie is worth a watch. It’s how Harry Potter fit in with the muggles following hogwarts. It’s called Imperium.


Well-Known Member
If they're voting it's illegally and in small numbers. Y'all are demonizing a whole group of people who are the ones doing all the crap work you won't do. I certainly would be in favor of a law that prohibits citizenship for them if they're here illegally and as I always said put up a wall and enforce it. The Democrats are going to get so spanked in November that they may be loathe to continue to not enforce the border. If the half million plus a month does happen they're going to have a seriously difficult time winning elections.
I’m talking about voting after they get amnesty it should not be allowed. It would piss the Democrats off because that’s why they want them here most likely. No one said anything about illegal voting except you. Obviously that shouldn’t be allowed.


Well-Known Member
I didn’t give you any negative stereotypes,
If I took a poll of every Hispanic I Knew Trump would most likely win lol, so I have no idea what you’re talking about other than you’re living in some pretend world where you believe every single thing you’ve been told by one side. I also didn’t say a wall could “never” work but it won’t work when it’s controlled by a side that doesn’t want to every few years. And your only answer is Amnesty after they open the floodgates you gotta stick with me here buddy. There has to be real laws that have real consequences for the people who come when they break the law. When you and I break the law there’s real consequences.
Agreed, have been saying real laws with real consequences all along. But you keep saying I'm talking about Hispanics hating, etc when I'm talking about the whites on this forum using negative stereotypes because they believe all of that and flat out hate Hispanics for the actions of some. They paint them all with the same brush. As for those consequences where do you draw the line? If our political and corporate leaders have been enabling Hispanics and others to come here illegally for generations do you punish the Hispanics who were allowed in or do you punish the political leaders for not enforcing the border and the corporate leaders wanting cheap labor? All the business owners who hire illegals because Americans won't work on a feedlot, dairy, slaughterhouse, restaurant kitchen? At least not in sufficient numbers or for low pay. Have you thought it through as to how high food would cost without illegal labor? Leave the ones here already alone unless they commit crime, seal the border shut, put shackles on any business owner who hires illegals without the right permit, and start a guest worker program to hire in foreigners for a specific length of time for work that no one else will do and there's not enough of current illegals already here for them to hire on.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, have been saying real laws with real consequences all along. But you keep saying I'm talking about Hispanics hating, etc when I'm talking about the whites on this forum using negative stereotypes because they believe all of that and flat out hate Hispanics for the actions of some. They paint them all with the same brush. As for those consequences where do you draw the line? If our political and corporate leaders have been enabling Hispanics and others to come here illegally for generations do you punish the Hispanics who were allowed in or do you punish the political leaders for not enforcing the border and the corporate leaders wanting cheap labor? All the business owners who hire illegals because Americans won't work on a feedlot, dairy, slaughterhouse, restaurant kitchen? At least not in sufficient numbers or for low pay. Have you thought it through as to how high food would cost without illegal labor? Leave the ones here already alone unless they commit crime, seal the border shut, put shackles on any business owner who hires illegals without the right permit, and start a guest worker program to hire in foreigners for a specific length of time for work that no one else will do and there's not enough of current illegals already here for them to hire on.
I didn’t read that whole response I just read where you said we agree, good enough for me 😂I doubt we are much different in our beliefs. Trump did some things that can work but he’s got to back it up with real laws are so the next group of idiots can’t screw it up.( i’ll read the rest later I promise)😉)


Well-Known Member
I didn’t read that whole response I just read where you said we agree, good enough for me 😂I doubt we are much different in our beliefs. Trump did some things that can work but he’s got to back it up with real laws are so the next group of idiots can’t screw it up.( i’ll read the rest later I promise)😉)
Not willing to tackle the rest of my post?
Can we seriously just get the civil war started already? I mean we have about half the country who despises the other half with no common ground whatsoever. Can’t we stop pretending there’s a resolution? There’s no point in the so called United States continuing as is
Biden’s team were all high-fiving the second they heard about this shooting. That’s if they didn’t plan it. They don’t give two :censored2:s about black people or any people in this country for that matter. All they care about is a crisis they can use. That’s how we know the government planned 9/11 and has its hand in every mass scale incident of violence or crisis that there is