California increase in minimum wage

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Isn't America a Christian nation? Aren't you a professing Christian? Isn't there something in your religion's holy book regarding taking care of the poor, sick and hungry? Or are you one of today's Christian Nationalists whose ideology is entirely self serving?
I'm well aware that you don't know this, but there's nothing in the Bible commanding taxes to be collected for the benefit of the poor.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
It's amazing how you cuckservatives are big fans of police states. You might get your chance next year to find out what it's like to live under authoritarian rule. it's not just the guy you dislike who will live under will you.
We heard that in 2016, too. In fact, your side was holding mass demonstrations all over the country prior to his inauguration screaming about how he was going to introduce such a state. It didn't happen. And once COVID hit, which would have been the perfect opportunity to do something like that, your side complained that he wasn't strict enough.


Well-Known Member
We heard that in 2016, too. In fact, your side was holding mass demonstrations all over the country prior to his inauguration screaming about how he was going to introduce such a state. It didn't happen. And once COVID hit, which would have been the perfect opportunity to do something like that, your side complained that he wasn't strict enough.
We didn't say he wasn't strict enough. We said he wasn't proactive enough. Trump told Bob Woodward that the reason he didn't move faster was that...." he didn't want to scare people". He fooled no one. The reason he didn't move was because the economy was doing well enough that it would help ensure his reelection and shutting down the economy would doom his reelection chances.


Well-Known Member
We didn't say he wasn't strict enough. We said he wasn't proactive enough. Trump told Bob Woodward that the reason he didn't move faster was that...." he didn't want to scare people". He fooled no one. The reason he didn't move was because the economy was doing well enough that it would help ensure his reelection and shutting down the economy would doom his reelection chances.
Well, turns out he was right!!! 😂


Well-Known Member
That's right son, dance for me!

No one here shucks and jives as well as you!

Constant deflections when you're proven wrong.

Then answer the question. How many judges appointed by Carter are still serving on the federal bench? Not my fault you're the one you pushed the debate all the way back into the 1970"s without considering how much time has passed.


Well-Known Member
Then answer the question. How many judges appointed by Carter are still serving on the federal bench? Not my fault you're the one you pushed the debate all the way back into the 1970"s without considering how much time has passed.


Inordinately Right
Then answer the question. How many judges appointed by Carter are still serving on the federal bench? Not my fault you're the one you pushed the debate all the way back into the 1970"s without considering how much time has passed.
That's right son, dance for me!

No one here shucks and jives as well as you!

Constant deflections when you're proven wrong.



Well-Known Member
So you saying that the needless death of thousands in order to keep the economy going was justified?
People were gonna die. It’s a virus. He shouldn’t have agreed to shut down the economy and he shouldn’t have scared people, and it did cost him the election.. sadly, it looks like you made it through the virus just like I did.


Inordinately Right
People were gonna die. It’s a virus. He shouldn’t have agreed to shut down the economy and he shouldn’t have scared people, and it did cost him the election.. sadly, it looks like you made it through the virus just like I did.
It's been proven shutdowns didn't work.

This leftie is still pushing the lie they did.

These people can't face reality.


Well-Known Member
People were gonna die. It’s a virus. He shouldn’t have agreed to shut down the economy and he shouldn’t have scared people, and it did cost him the election.. sadly, it looks like you made it through the virus just like I did.
Notice the key word here.....NEEDLESSLY.....Yes, I made it through and to think I didn't need to squirt Clorox bleach up my butt or stick an infrared light up it or inject myself with horse deworming veterinary medications. All of which your Orange Jesus publicly advocated.


Well-Known Member
Notice the key word here.....NEEDLESSLY.....Yes, I made it through and to think I didn't need to squirt Clorox bleach up my butt or stick an infrared light up it or inject myself with horse deworming veterinary medications. All of which your Orange Jesus publicly advocated.
You really should’ve tried the Clorox it probably would’ve helped you


Well-Known Member
Notice the key word here.....NEEDLESSLY.....Yes, I made it through and to think I didn't need to squirt Clorox bleach up my butt or stick an infrared light up it or inject myself with horse deworming veterinary medications. All of which your Orange Jesus publicly advocated.
Needless like these?



Well-Known Member
Who thinks $20 an hour is prosperity?
Can you mandate a living wage? The point here was no matter what they raise the level to. It would not be prosperity at that point. Even if they raise it to $100 an hour it wouldn’t be prosperity anymore. It would still be poverty.