casual had his car searched


Anyone ever notice the barbed wire on top of the fence around UPS property is facing in a way that is designed to keep people in, not out? At least that is the way it is at our building. Another guy and I were noticing it the other day. Why would they have it facing in? Just another casual observance that makes you scratch your head and say hmm.

I'm guessing the last part was tongue-in-cheek - the reason being, UPS doesn't care if someone climbs over and gets into the building, but does care if a thief leaves with a high val. ;/ Interesting.


From the promised LAND
A $5 wire cutter makes the whole fence issue mute.

Just like a good crowbar takes the lock off the door.

Past that, you have the more sophisticated thief who knows as much as the alarm companies on how to bypass the other deterrents.
