Chattanooga, TN Marine Shooter


Nine Lives
As long as you can bash religion, it's an acceptable segway, right?
That was a great segway .... LOL



nowhere special
I saw 2 Marines (probably recruiters from their uniforms) walking out of a store today. They were very observant of their surroundings with situational awareness. It's sad they need to be alert like that in the US.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Rand Paul on Tennessee Terror: Restrict Immigration from Muslim Nations

I’m very concerned about immigration to this country from countries that have hotbeds of jihadism and hotbeds of this Islamism. There was a program in place that Bush had put in place—it stood for entry-exit program from about 25 different countries with a lot of Islamic radicals, frankly. I think there does need to be heightened scrutiny. Nobody has a right to come to America, so this isn’t something that we can say ‘oh their rights are being violated.’ It’s a privilege to come to America and we need to thoroughly screen those who are coming.



Well-Known Member
Send them all back to the dessert they came from. We don't need these nuts here in the states. They live off the freedoms we enjoy and fought so hard for, then they act like cowards and kill innocent unarmed people. Good men died fighting for these rights we have. I fought for my country to keep our country safe. But our own president seems to be doing everything he can to destroy our country from within. When will the madness end? It's only gonna get worse the closer he gets to the end of his term.


Inordinately Right
Rand Paul on Tennessee Terror: Restrict Immigration from Muslim Nations

I’m very concerned about immigration to this country from countries that have hotbeds of jihadism and hotbeds of this Islamism. There was a program in place that Bush had put in place—it stood for entry-exit program from about 25 different countries with a lot of Islamic radicals, frankly. I think there does need to be heightened scrutiny. Nobody has a right to come to America, so this isn’t something that we can say ‘oh their rights are being violated.’ It’s a privilege to come to America and we need to thoroughly screen those who are coming.
He's no Ron Paul that's for sure.


Inordinately Right
That's certainly one option. I was thinking some African desert since 1/4 of American Muslims are African American.
Maybe he just wants to send them back to Africa.
Or perhaps there's some Asian desert, since 35% of them are South Asian.

Or maybe he didn't think it through at all and is just spewing rhetoric.


Well-Known Member
They should be armed.
They are trained.

When I was active duty this "training" consisted of an annual qualification. Hardly the type of training which would give me the ability and experience to defend myself if needed. Our reservists are even less prepared than that.

I strongly disagree that any of our military personnel should be armed while not performing the duties in those specific jobs in which a firearm is required.


Well-Known Troll
When I was active duty this "training" consisted of an annual qualification. Hardly the type of training which would give me the ability and experience to defend myself if needed. Our reservists are even less prepared than that.

I strongly disagree that any of our military personnel should be armed while not performing the duties in those specific jobs in which a firearm is required.

Now with it being a declared "open season" on them and you want them to be in public unarmed? How should they protect themselves against other not-so lone wolves?

Maybe we could give them rape whistles, and when Isis comes, they can just blow the whistle til someone comes and helps.

Say what you will but you have to give props to whomever performed her breast augmentation.

Why? Because he put tits on a man? There have been MANY people before Lady Bruce who've had it done, and I'm sure he won't be the last