Cherry picking for easy warning letters...

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My Senior Picture
I understand perfectly as I read the response for what it said.
Your reply read as if you didn't.
I am not of like mind with the post you were engaging.
I have and continue to learn safety methods.
Occasionally, bordering on rarely, from the rhetoric and jargon constantly disseminated from management.
The commentaries and buzz phrases do little for me, nor do meaningless warning letters that I know full well will never go any further than a warning letter.
I learn and develope my methods from real time experiences.
This notion that all accidents and injuries are avoidable is admirable, while being nothing more than pure fiction.
As long as human beings sit in the drivers seat of our trucks, we will continue to have accidents and injuries.
Everybody makes mistakes, it's an idiot that makes the same ones repeatedly.
So as far as I'm concerned, management can continue their little games.
They can scare the ones who scare, alienate the rest, and beat each other up via conference calls.
All the while I continue to hone my craft day by day, making the most of any and all information and experiences at my disposal.
Until one of these warning letters progress to the next level, I will write my protest letter and treat them as if they were printed on toilet paper.
See Tie, this was the beginning of my involvement in this thread. Does this sound like I agree with Reraise?


Active Member
sorry guys , almost missed your comments. You have to understand that when you hide under the bed and whiper your shots at me that there is a chance I may not hear you.
Luckily I saw the trail of urine where you pissed yourselves and turned the TV down so I could hear you.

Now, I know you are a true Tieguy, since you pretend not to hear the important stuff. Glad you noticed the urine under YOUR bed, dropped a deuce between the sheets as well. I'm sure you felt at home with it.
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Well-Known Member
Hey am I the only one on this board who has to work during the day?

I can not tell you who was the supervisor or center manager at our center when any accident or injury occurred.

Tieguy would have you believe he can teach me more in a one day ride along than I have learned by doing the job every day for 25 years.

If he wants to be an extra set of eyes and a positive tool to improve safe driving habits, then welcome aboard.

I use the 5 seeing habits and the 10 point commentary for my own safety. I have also learned many other ways to stay healthy and safe on my own over the years.

To suggest that we need management to keep us working safely is arrogant on their part.

You seem to want to believe that management is somehow smarter then the employees are.

I have seen a lot of "Tieguys" come and go through our center. You can put a tie on a clown but that doesn't make him any less humorous.


Well-Known Member
See Tie, this was the beginning of my involvement in this thread. Does this sound like I agree with Reraise?

From reading your post it sounds like you and I agree completely.

I have learned a lot over my 25 years at UPS from many different sources. My safety is my responsibility.

As far as Tieguy goes I thought I was special, but it appears he is a jerk to everyone on this thread. I only have a problem with him.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Now, I know you are a true Tieguy, since you pretend not to hear the important stuff. Glad you noticed the urine under YOUR bed, dropped a deuce between the sheets as well. I'm sure you felt at home with it.

It seems that you are motivated to post by your anger towards management, although you could say that this is the theme of this thread...You post on average 5 times a year, yet used two posts here within a days time???

It reminds me of a drive-by, gangster hit and run... but your gun was empty...Wouldn't be a bad idea to build up some more street cred so you can be taken more seriously....

I'm just making an observation (no pun intended)....:peaceful:
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Active Member
sorry guys , almost missed your comments. You have to understand that when you hide under the bed and whiper your shots at me that there is a chance I may not hear you.
Luckily I saw the trail of urine where you pissed yourselves and turned the TV down so I could hear you.

I don't care how you take me...period

It seems that you are motivated to post by your anger towards management, although you could say that this is the theme of this thread...You post on average 5 times a year, yet used two posts here within a days time???

It reminds me of a drive-by, gangster hit and run... but your gun was empty...Wouldn't be a bad idea to build up some more street cred so you can be taken more seriously....

I'm just making an observation (no pun intended)....:peaceful:
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I don't care how you take me...period

I commend you for stepping up and trying to offer an opinion here. You first lobbed a grenade from the back row with shaking knees. This time you were able to carefully somewhat timidly step up to offer an opinion that comes from you. I will grant you it was brief but it was an opinion. In your case a shortly worded opinion that does not reveal your mental deficencies may have been the best solution.


Now, I know you are a true Tieguy, since you pretend not to hear the important stuff. Glad you noticed the urine under YOUR bed, dropped a deuce between the sheets as well. I'm sure you felt at home with it.

you expected me to be surprised to find out you crap the bed? I'm more shocked to find out you actually go indoors.


Hey am I the only one on this board who has to work during the day?

I can not tell you who was the supervisor or center manager at our center when any accident or injury occurred.

Tieguy would have you believe he can teach me more in a one day ride along than I have learned by doing the job every day for 25 years.

If he wants to be an extra set of eyes and a positive tool to improve safe driving habits, then welcome aboard.

I use the 5 seeing habits and the 10 point commentary for my own safety. I have also learned many other ways to stay healthy and safe on my own over the years.

To suggest that we need management to keep us working safely is arrogant on their part.

You seem to want to believe that management is somehow smarter then the employees are.

I have seen a lot of "Tieguys" come and go through our center. You can put a tie on a clown but that doesn't make him any less humorous.

your answer again seems to support the point that at some point i should recognize that you were lucky to avoid having an accident or injury and let you do things your way.

therefore if you're not bending your knees I should ignore this and let you wear your back out because you have not worn it out yet?

Your argument lacks credibility.



I don't care how you take me...period

what tony is telling you is grow some.

Put your opinion out there for scrutiny and analysis if you have the guts to do so.

anyone can fire a few shots and then run and hide somewhere.

we call them cowards, what do you call them?


Well-Known Member
what tony is telling you is grow some.

Put your opinion out there for scrutiny and analysis if you have the guts to do so.

anyone can fire a few shots and then run and hide somewhere.

we call them cowards, what do you call them?

How can you say stuff like this?.....especially the part about "....grow some."?
If a member "....grows some" and posts a reply that A MOD decides is objectionable, it gets deleted.
I recall getting a Browncafe scarlet letter "I" (infraction) on my forehead by A MOD because I casually mentioned that too much fluffy, "wine and roses" stuff gets talked about on BC rather than the really, really serious stuff.
When everyone is allowed to grow the same size "some" then every thing will be equal.
That's probably not gonna happen.


I started this.
Staff member
hmmmm... sorry trickpony, the posts and pms that went along with the infractions you got in 2007 and 2008 are all logged. I didn't remember exactly what had happened so I looked them up.

You earned those infractions because you made mean spirited personal attacks on other members. Maybe this will help you remember: One of your posts hijacked a thread about a driver commiting suicide with demeaning personal remarks about a moderator. That post was particularly inappropriate because of the topic where you chose to post it. Your behavior was boorish, insensitive and meanspirited, that's why I gave you an infraction. I will put you back into the moderation queue if you are going to start doing that stuff again.

BTW, nothing about wine and roses was mentioned in the posts that earned you those infractions.

Want to quickly get my attention again? Say something else snarky about our moderators...

From the TOS:
2.) Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. It is inappropriate to say anything on a discussion board about any individual or entity that you would not be prepared to say to them face-to-face.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals, their ideas, their occupation or their situation. The latter is considered to be a flame and will not be tolerated.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, insulting, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned.


How can you say stuff like this?.....especially the part about "....grow some."?
If a member "....grows some" and posts a reply that A MOD decides is objectionable, it gets deleted.
I recall getting a Browncafe scarlet letter "I" (infraction) on my forehead by A MOD because I casually mentioned that too much fluffy, "wine and roses" stuff gets talked about on BC rather than the really, really serious stuff.
When everyone is allowed to grow the same size "some" then every thing will be equal.
That's probably not gonna happen.

if you go back through the threads you can find some teamsters that used the "grow some" language. In fact my use of the term was less offensive then theirs where they actually used the word "balls" in conjunction with "grow some". You found no reason to be offended until a management poster used a less offensive version of the same phrase.
Trick you really put your credibility out there with this one.

I'm now going to back out of this thread because its turned into an excuse for some people with serious emotional issues to attack our hosts.

Its really a shame we can't take a hot relevant issue like this one and discuss it calmly without all the strange shots being fired here.
might be time to lock this thread?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
If a member "....grows some" and posts a reply that A MOD decides is objectionable, it gets deleted.
When everyone is allowed to grow the same size "some" then every thing will be equal.
That's probably not gonna happen.

I think it's more like "grow up some"...The immature, school yard insults, attacks and language is what gets deleted....The posts that mods delete are the ones that get reported and go against the terms of service, we don't just pick and choose which posts we like to delete...
Personal attacks, inappropriate language and insults are not welcome here...You know that!! :happy2:


You guys talk and talk about management being unsecure, but think about it. How many management (full time) people do you know that lost their job and didn't do anything wrong. Now I don't mean relocated, I mean no longer an employee for UPS?
6 Center managers fired for direct violations.
3 Center managers relocated then fired within 1 year.
10 On road Sups.
All were fired by trying to falsify records to make numbers.
The part time sups have blown like chaff in the wind, too many to count.
So, directly to your question, only 1 center manager has retired from my center without being caught.
It has never been about doing something wrong.
It is being smart enough not to be caught at it.



Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
6 Center managers fired for direct violations.
3 Center managers relocated then fired within 1 year.
10 On road Sups.
All were fired by trying to falsify records to make numbers.
The part time sups have blown like chaff in the wind, too many to count.
So, directly to your question, only 1 center manager has retired from my center without being caught.
It has never been about doing something wrong.
It is being smart enough not to be caught at it.

2 center manager's got the axe here too. One caught by auditors for falsification and fired, and one relocated and then fired. Our competitors have a steady recruitment pool from which to pull prime management talent, and they do so.


Well-Known Member
6 Center managers fired for direct violations.
3 Center managers relocated then fired within 1 year.
10 On road Sups.
All were fired by trying to falsify records to make numbers.
The part time sups have blown like chaff in the wind, too many to count.
So, directly to your question, only 1 center manager has retired from my center without being caught.
It has never been about doing something wrong.
It is being smart enough not to be caught at it.

Pretty similar numbers here as well. I have had at least 10 different center managers and none of them made it to retirement.

Couldn't even name them all if you paid me.

I am barely able to function on a daily basis without them. I am about to tear up a little just thinking about them now .... whatever their names were.


Well-Known Member
Pretty similar numbers here as well. I have had at least 10 different center managers and none of them made it to retirement.

Couldn't even name them all if you paid me.

I am barely able to function on a daily basis without them. I am about to tear up a little just thinking about them now .... whatever their names were.
"Just dust in the wind, we are all just dust in the wind" (old Kansas song), damn good band....:happy2:


From the promised LAND
But I think its time to retire again.


business taking its toll? Sorry to hear it since it sounds like you found a unique service high in demand.

No Tie, actually from here.

There are times when you see stupidity far worse than ever imagined, and when in the position of not being able to change it, you end up frustrated.

I do find it interesting that management has taken safety as a way of beating the drivers over the head.

Kinda like a drunken father wanting his kids to do well in math, but yet uses force to try and teach it. All that gets accomplished is a counter productive attitude that will last a lifetime.

I also find it very interesting that in the days of cutting back management because there are not enough jobs to do, they send out district staffers to follow drivers because local management is not handing out enough warning letters.

Safety, now a tool used to beat drivers over the head.


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