China Inc just got downgraded

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Good. That’s an agreement that needs reworking. This was a podcast about it from August. It’s cheaper to ship a widget from China than across the street. I’d recommend finding it in a podcast app so you can speed it up, I normally listen at at least 1.5 speed.

Yep. Always been amazing what you can get shipped from China for a few bucks on EBay. No way USPS makes money on it.


Well-Known Member
you have to convince you're opponent that you're bat :censored2: crazy and willing to go to total war to avoid that war.

Trump may be in his element here.


Or maybe they’ll just out wait the Cheetos-in-Chief.

Trump just announced new tariffs on Mexico, after ‘successfully’ renegotiating NAFTA.

Trump being Trump.

Why would you make a deal with this guy, when his entire history is reneging on deals?


Man of Great Wisdom

Or maybe they’ll just out wait the Cheetos-in-Chief.

Trump just announced new tariffs on Mexico, after ‘successfully’ renegotiating NAFTA.

Trump being Trump.

Why would you make a deal with this guy, when his entire history is reneging on deals?
Renegotiated yet never signed into law.