I want to see the next contract be handled by the APWA. I see no good coming to us from the teamsters if they handle our contract.Our pension will not get better with them, they just want the UPS money to keep coming in,that's all they care about. Hoffa will sell our souls and well being to cover his own
and salary.
The leaking bucket will not get fixed, especially running our pensions as social security is ran. The best thing we can do is act now and get rid of the teamsters.Go to Parcelworkers - A NEW LOOK!* WHAT MAKES THIS UNION LOOK DIFFERENT''* see the sight get the contact newsletter and see what you can do to spread the word at your center. On the sight there is a "contact us" section you can e-mail them with questions, they even have phone numbers listed you can call. If you want a retiement and benifits it iis time to sign up with the APWA and vote the teamsters leaking bucket out of UPS.
The way the majority of people talk here it seems they want the pension fixed it sounds like a lot of "what ifs", it also sounds like extremely few trust the teamsters to fix the leaking bucket. Hell no they won't fix it, if they stop the leak that is money out of their own pockets, where do you think that which leaks goes? It's not like leaking water that just rolls away or evaporates it is pocketed by teamsters in office, afterall they need to have the 2 & 3 pensions they can get. It's time to stop the union corruption we currently have(which most all agree there is) and vote in a new UPS only union, it's time to stand up for ourselves and redirection our futures...........