From the former YAHOO UPS board/now the YAHOO MBE board:
From: samh1129 Sent: 9/30/2003 5:20 PM
Last night I received an e-mail from Jeff Dewitt asking me if I could attend an impromptu meeting in Oakland with Bob Bonsutto and Troy Emerson from UPS. He told me that they did not know that he had invited 4 store owners to this meeting and we should keep our comments positive. He wanted to put faces with the letters that had been sent in. I agreed and attended the meeting. It was interesting to say the least.
But what most of all surprised me was that out of 3100 centers that switched over only 51 sent in letters and spreadsheets. Of those 51 spreadsheets, only 46 were usable. Bob said that there were minor mistakes in 5 of them which did not show the real picture.
51 letters and spreadsheets sent in!!!!, give me a freaking break. No wonder MBE/UPS thinks everything is just wonderful and there are not the problems out there that we think (know) there are. Bob as much said it, but not directly. He said they have given those spread sheets over to the bean counters or what ever they are called and said with only 46 spreadsheets, there is no way that UPS/MBE will make any changes.
He did say that they were committed to seeing us succeed, That there is no interest in taking over our stores if some fail and they would continue to work on making us successful. He also said that he does not have any answers to all of the questions that Jeff asked him. However I got the feeling that he was listening to us but not hearing what we were we were saying. I feel that he was just giving us lip service.
What did come out of the meeting was, even though the 28th was the deadline to send in spreadsheet, we can continue to send them in. They will welcome all data and letters, but without the data to back up what we are saying, nothing will happen or change.
So now I have done my part, if nobody else send in the data, what's the hell of even having this forum. If its just a place to bitch and moan, its not a place I want to be.
I will be happy to e-mail any of you that would like to fill out the spreadsheet and Jeff's letter for you to use and forward on to others. If we don't do it now, MBE/UPS will continue to say there are no problems throughout the system.
Call me if you have any questions
Sam Holtan