Democrats Are Becoming The Party of Hate


Well-Known Member
I'm a total liberal, and I admire the guy on the right. It's amazing that the real snowflakes who get all butt-hurt when the arguments start are Conservatives, because they lack the intellect to intelligently argue a point. Instead, they post garbage like this, where you take an extremely left person and portray them as representative of all liberals.

I drive a 12v Cummins Dodge 4x4, own 3 guns, have a concealed carry permit, support the death penalty, police, and our military.

If that makes me a snowflake....good.

as a snowflake you show that you are crying because you do not like the way opposing points of view argue with you. Your actions are demonstrating what you're complaining about in your post.


Engorged Member
I'm a huge advocate? Since when? Why is it that folks like you believe there's an endless stream of money that will pay for everything? No matter how many times other countries have proven it doesn't work in the long run our American Left still thinks it's doable. One of the co-founders of Green Peace just pointed out the folly of AOC's Green New Deal. Pointed out if we eliminate fossil fuel every tree in the world would be cut down for heat and cooking. Then we'd have a real disaster. But your side will march us over a cliff like lemmings rather than ever admit you're wrong.

Tongue firmly in cheek when stating you supported Single Payer. I know better.


Engorged Member
You are going to lose your liberal credentials if you keep that up. What you don't see on the conservative side is guys dressed up like that. Folks like him are a big component of the Left these days so you really can't claim to be a liberal without owning that. Too many on your side want to celebrate that behavior.

Your side should have a picture of a wrestling "coach". You know, like Denny Hastert. Real macho Christian "leader"on the outside, and a poof child molester in his own little world.


Well-Known Member
Let me tell you a little known fact about a matter that contributed heavily to the collapse of the Amazon/NYC deal. Bezos has a warehouse in that area that employs 2500 and there is currently a movement toward seeking a vote on joining a union.One of the conditions required that Bezos not intervene or seek to disrupt the process. He refused. Oh yeah the media focus was all about the claimed employment of 25,000 at an average salary of $ 150,000 but what about the 2,500 $15 an hour people in his sweatshop? How in the hell would they find affordable housing in the resulting Bezos H2 housing market. AOC was given the blame by the conservative media but as always the facts eventually come out.
Quashing dissent? You mean what Trump tried to do the the ATT/ Time Warner merger?
Can you prove they only pay $15hr there? And AOC was jumped on by most of the liberal politicians in NY. And she still got it wrong. No one was offering Amazon $3 Billion in cash.


Well-Known Member
Your side should have a picture of a wrestling "coach". You know, like Denny Hastert. Real macho Christian "leader"on the outside, and a poof child molester in his own little world.
Do you think Christians are thrilled about people like Hastert? But what does that have to do with policies that affect all of us?


Well-Known Member
Can you prove they only pay $15hr there? And AOC was jumped on by most of the liberal politicians in NY. And she still got it wrong. No one was offering Amazon $3 Billion in cash.
They publicly stated that every new employee will state at $15 Now how far would that have gone in a super heated housing that already had speculators buying up every housing unit they could get their hands on and publicly expressed their outrage when the deal fell through? Correct it wasn't in cash but what you and others might call "incentives" I call concessions.


Well-Known Member
They publicly stated that every new employee will state at $15 Now how far would that have gone in a super heated housing that already had speculators buying up every housing unit they could get their hands on and publicly expressed their outrage when the deal fell through? Correct it wasn't in cash but what you and others might call "incentives" I call concessions.
But she said it was cash which is the point I've been making, that she and her ideas aren't ready for primetime. Even liberals are saying so. If she had come up with something more modest she could possibly make some headway. But she threw the whole far Left wishlist at us and in it's entirety is way beyond what could possibly be paid for. And true to her fanatical roots is doubling down on it saying if we don't implement it in the next decade we're all doomed. That's realistic governance?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Side note, folks, please use paragraphs.

It's not hard.

What's hard is wading through your diatribes that are a wall of run-on sentences.


Here's the actual part where I'm telling people how to live their lives.
OMG Dude!
I'm assuming this is your humorous take on your control issues?


Well-Known Member
They publicly stated that every new employee will state at $15 Now how far would that have gone in a super heated housing that already had speculators buying up every housing unit they could get their hands on and publicly expressed their outrage when the deal fell through? Correct it wasn't in cash but what you and others might call "incentives" I call concessions.
Also Amazon said the minimum employees would start at nationwide is $15hr. In more expensive areas they have to pay more or no one would work there. Probably closer to $20hr in NY.


Well-Known Member
But she said it was cash which is the point I've been making, that she and her ideas aren't ready for primetime. Even liberals are saying so. If she had come up with something more modest she could possibly make some headway. But she threw the whole far Left wishlist at us and in it's entirety is way beyond what could possibly be paid for. And true to her fanatical roots is doubling down on it saying if we don't implement it in the next decade we're all doomed. That's realistic governance?
Here's all I want to know. If we liberals in your mind's eye are so evil then why do you have your hand out to collect all the benefits of the programs we passed into law? The most obvious answer would appear to be is that you don't have enough money to be a conservative. I and I'm sure others laugh at people like you. You give us the back of one hand across our faces condemning and demonizing us for the programs we pass into law while at the same time sticking your other hand out wanting to collect all the benefits you can extract from them.
You can go on railing all you want but as long as you've got that other hand stuck out trying to grab for all you can get what you have to say about the matter doesn't mean a thing.