Democrats are so Republican they are vetoing $15 minimum wage


Well-Known Member
Have you ever paid attention to politics before? First 100 days the president should be at his high water mark for political capitol. Trump is at 35-40% approval and is attacking the republicans in the house. That is not a recipe for accomplishing a legislative agenda.

we let Obama screw the pooch for 8 years trump deserves more time then 70 days to prove himself



Well-Known Member
Careful @rickyb as you'll have the Democrat tribe hating on you for daring to speak truth. I find that if you can get both the donkey and elephant tribe hating on you, you've probably found the sweet spot. Tip of the cap for calling it for what it is. Dems are going to "friend" over their supporters just like republicans have done to theirs. And the the brain dead chorus will yap at you all day long when you dare to point out there is no real difference between the 2.
do you actually think democrats are worse for labour than republicans?

I suppose it doesnt matter, they have both sent the country down the toilet.


Well-Known Member
do you actually think democrats are worse for labour than republicans?

I suppose it doesn't matter, they have both sent the country down the toilet.

I consider them both horrible for both similar and at the same time different reasons. Where the democrats are worse if you will is they portray themselves the friend of labor while republicans offer no such pretense.