Disrespectful coworker

The only time I've ever seen it be "okay" is during unload. Bunch of sweaty menz, high on testosterone and white cotton tanks.. usually it's a quick screaming match, gets both parties pumped then they get separated and after work they're shooting the breeze.

But these people have known each other.. and are friends.. if someone locks the belt to throw a tantrum, let a sup know. I wouldn't confront the guy. It's how people get hurt and lose their jobs.

Over 70

Well-Known Member
Hey I need some advice. I'm a sweeper and weak side pick off. There's this guy who is on low volume kick off and is an extreme loose cannon. 50 something years old as a pick off, I'd be mad too. There were jams really bad and as result there was belt-wide boxes coming down. Me and high volume do pretty good work, and the low volume guy shut the belt off and proceeded to screaming and use profanity because there was a box where he couldnt see the label. As humans mistakes happen and when it's crazy busy, obviously it's gonna happen. How do I handle this? I told my supervisor and she laughed and said "oh that's garret being garret". What options do I have to get this miserable guy to control himself? Other jobs I have had he would be in some serious trouble. Is this acceptable at UPS? I'm not too familiar with the culture. Keep in mind he was cussing at us and screaming to the top of his lungs, being very disrespectful. What do I gotta do? If I can even do anything? I'm a very thick skinned guy, train jiu jitsu and have very good self control, but any man can only take so much disrespect.

Kick his ass seabass!
I'm quick to pull out a gun on 2 things. Intruders and apex predators while out hiking. They have no place at work. Unless you're a cop or gunsmith, I guess.
Looking for someone to join us in the bedroom who's not female for the first time in 15 years. There was a promising guy at work then he got a major cold sore and nahhh.