Do i have to show up?

an attrative woman at UPS and you can't get work?
I call bs.
If you were at my hub it won't matter how fast you work, you'd probably have your own route with the newest non standard truck to match, heck they probably take out all the piss bottles out for you too.
Omg really piss bottles???? I was,wondering why so many bottles and trash In my trucks. That is how I would start my shift is by cleaning out trash


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I was hired as a TCD last October 2016. I drove all peak season and then started preload in January. I keep hearing that I will be driving soon but I still haven't. I have reached seniority and I notice there are other TCD below me driving while I'm still working preload. I was told it was because I am very fast and a hard worker in preload. I can't afford to keep working preload at 11/hr when I live 40 miles away from the hub so I was told I could just not show up for preload and wait for them to call me to start driving again. When I look at my timecard it says no call. Is this bad? Can I be fired? Is it better to show up and continue working preload? I can't find anywhere what the requirements are and what are the consequences when you don't show up for preload.