
Strength through joy
How many no-bid $500B contracts did Trump have ?

Information obtained through the Federal Procurement Data System indicates that ICE never opened the contract to outside companies and organizations. Instead they went with an internal candidate who had significant inside connections.

Critics of the situation said that it is not normal for government contracts to be handed out without any form of competition.


Inordinately Right
Biden bans the term Illegal Aliens. It is hurtful to those that broke the law and are here illegally.

So the agencies capture and document that an alien comes here illegally, but now have to refer to them as undocumented? They're not undocumented anymore lol.

Orwellian double speak type nonsense.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
The Idiot was quoted saying to the Japanese Prime minister "A Japanese boy won the Masters" Just imagine if Trump said that. Crickets from the idiot loving media !


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Since Biden and Harris are now experts on policing, how would they handle this? The girl was about to go Tex Watson.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
View attachment 335157Since Biden and Harris are now experts on policing, how would they handle this? The girl was about to go Tex Watson.
The village idiot was quoted on the campaign trail: Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden suggested that police be trained to shoot individuals posing a threat to them “in the leg instead of the heart,” There you go; you jump out of the car a perp is about to knife a victim in the gut only a few seconds have past ,but you have to aim for the leg while the perps hand with a blade slices into the victim . And people voted for this guy!
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