Does anybody like their job?

trp you any more nervous or cautious now when working with everything going on around the mexican border?
That doesn't bother me at all.........considering I'm 500-550 +/- miles from the part of the boarder where most of the trouble is.

Now if I lived in that area I would be very cautious and probably packing defensive heat.


Well-Known Member
In a way I guess I'm like everyone else. Like my job despise some of my bosses. My boss is at the divison manager level. There was a time when I started with this company when most divison managers were pretty good and most came up locally and knew everyone.

In todays world most are imported carpet baggers from somewhere else and many must have failed a psych test to get promoted to divison manager. I've seen some really bizarre personality types from the divison manager hiding in his office type to the vulger bi polar female types.

divison managers no longer have the autonomy to run thier operations. they are now micro managed by district managers as if they were brand new supervisors.

I face a constant battle in todays world. If a driver of mine gets hurt or has an accident then its not his fault it is mine. I did not observe the person before he/she had an accident , observe that person working unsafely and correct his behavior with a warning letter. Thus I now find myself having to answer questions such as "how many warning letters did you give out" as part of how I am evaluated. Never mind that my feeder group has not had an accident in a month or an injury in three weeks.
It comes with the terroritory. I consider it part of my job to deflect some of this type of thinking. I often wonder if my drivers realize that a talk with is doing them a favor. I have no problem giving out discipline to those I observe being grossly unsafe. But discipline should never be a number that is counted to determine your effectiveness in managing your group.

anyway thats my vent. :happy-very:
Excuse me while I pick up my drink cup and wipe the soda off my laptop.

The brutal honesty caught me off guard. I am truly impressed that a manager has admitted many of the same things we as workers have said for years.

God bless you for this post. And please try to do what is right and not what a carpet bagger thinks is right.

Life is what one does for another in spite of how it might negatively effect the person doing the good deed. These are the true leaders and the blessed ones for that matter.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy being a package car driver. I love the customers, do not mind the physical work, but do hate the long hours and sometimes the simple miscommunications with management, like too many air stops.

I can not remember the last time i was in the office for myself? 5 years ago? But as a steward i see the ugly side of this business. I sometimes ask myself why do i do it? Life would be so much easier going in to work working and going home!
It is called selfless acts. You the man steward you the man!


Well-Known Member
I agree with you about this being the best trucking job there is. I feel sorry for a lot of you people that have never worked anywhere else except UPS. I worked almost 30 jobs and 12 different trucking jobs before working here and there is no comparison.

sure , i don't like the bs from management sometimes but I'd rather put up with it than working 20 hrs a day like I used to or be fired. fixing my company truck or be let go, working with broken fingers or toes like I have or be told to hit the road, doing a lot of work unpaid or see you later driver. working sick.

a 60 hr week was a vacation. i put in a lot of 100 hr weeks for $400-500 back in the early 80's and i was lucky to get it. On my last job before UPS I was making $9 and hr driving a logging truck, No sick days, no vacations, no paid holidays. if you called in sick, you lost your truck. Even today, most non union drivers don't get half of what we get. No benefits for most of them too.

most of my working life has been for non union companies and you guys think you have to put up with a bunch of crap, why don't you speak to non union drivers for a change?

Most of you guys just don't know how good you have it. complain, complain, complain.

after 15 years here the poor attitude becomes contagious. I try to stay away from the mopes at work. My wife laughs at me when I complain. She says "I remember when you........"

If you don't like your job, then quit and try the real world. ( and I can move up ) get a reality check.

Anyways, that's my rant. I love the feeder work for the most part. if only i could just come to work and do the job without any interference, it would be almost perfect, ha ha.

I'll get some negatives about this but it's the truth.
Just because you worked in crappy jobs/companies and conditions does not make it ok for UPS to treat us the way they do. We are treated better here for one reason.

We have a union. Sure the hours suck, the work is hard on the body, and the never ending demands put on us are straining. What most of us are trying to convey is the way managers treat us is truly wrong. Sure many say it could get worse.

I say BS! It should be better. If it were not for all the complainers as you put it we would not have all those benes that we have today.

We/the union, have complained, bitched, fought, and negotiated for the work rules, holidays, vacations, medical, and so forth.

You know the company could get away with smaller raises and more cooperation if they would stop lying and treat us right.


Well-Known Member
In a way I guess I'm like everyone else. Like my job despise some of my bosses. My boss is at the divison manager level. There was a time when I started with this company when most divison managers were pretty good and most came up locally and knew everyone.

In todays world most are imported carpet baggers from somewhere else and many must have failed a psych test to get promoted to divison manager. I've seen some really bizarre personality types from the divison manager hiding in his office type to the vulger bi polar female types.

divison managers no longer have the autonomy to run thier operations. they are now micro managed by district managers as if they were brand new supervisors.

I face a constant battle in todays world. If a driver of mine gets hurt or has an accident then its not his fault it is mine. I did not observe the person before he/she had an accident , observe that person working unsafely and correct his behavior with a warning letter. Thus I now find myself having to answer questions such as "how many warning letters did you give out" as part of how I am evaluated. Never mind that my feeder group has not had an accident in a month or an injury in three weeks.
It comes with the terroritory. I consider it part of my job to deflect some of this type of thinking. I often wonder if my drivers realize that a talk with is doing them a favor. I have no problem giving out discipline to those I observe being grossly unsafe. But discipline should never be a number that is counted to determine your effectiveness in managing your group.

anyway thats my vent. :happy-very:

Although I must agree with the micro management of division managers, and it doesn't stop there. The district managers are in the same boat.

So my position toward the end of my career was to accept the orders given, execute the plan, and if it worked, good for the operation. If it didn't work, then a new plan had to be developed and implemented.

Usually a plan developed by myself and my managers. I would take the heat either way, by either following a plan, that I knew wouldn't work, or using my own plan and get results.

And I wasn't one of the vulgar bipolar females, just a UPS management person, who used her business and common sense to get results.

I've always taken the position, your life is what you make it, and the same with your job. There will be bumps in the road, but for the most part, it's a satisfying and rewarding lifestyle.

Livin the Dream?

Disillusioned UPSer
Imagine, just for a moment;

A UPS where representatives from each employment category were intimately involved in the decision making process that affected their positions? That suggestions, employee feedback was not just listened to, but acted upon?

If employees knew that suggestions they made were actually heard, considered?

Improve employee morale, and everything at the company would improve, be it production, management relations, shareholder equity.

Ahh, to dream


Well-Known Member
Is there anybody working for UPS that likes their job?
I am not saying this to stir the pot, I am worried.
I chose this career (still waiting my turn to drive) but now it bothers me that it seams like everyone hates their job.
I understand that some come here to complain and even in a job you love there are days that a bit of complaining is in order.
Is there anybody that the whole package works for, that gets along with management, that doesn't have a underlying resentment of the company eating them up?

Is there anybody that would recommend the job to their son or daughter?
I'm a driver and I love my job, or at least I did until we got a new center manager and he started laying everyone off. There are three centers in my building and ours is the only one that has had lay offs. And we are the biggest of the three centers in the district. This unloading from 4 to 7 in the morning and 5 till 9 at night is friggen killing me. I can't wait till they transfer this Bozo center manager the frig outta here....


former monkey slave
Love being a feeder driver. Loved my 22.3 job. Absolutely hated being package car driver( job was barely acceptable in the beginning and went on accelerated downward spiral soon after - still don't believe I made it 10 years as a monkey slave). Liked my years working on the sort isle on the preload.


Well-Known Member
I sometimes feel like UPS has to take my PCM and about 10 minutes afterwards and cram in a normal days B.S. Once I am out on road it's a matter of just emptying the car.

Now if I could just get rid of OCA's, building messages, and COD's I would be styling...

Oh, and call tags, ASD's, SDWC's, and my pickups.

and the cardboard...