dow 24000


Staff member
Is already spooking the market with higher taxes.
just like Obama was so hell-bent on passing Obamacare before he fixed the other problems

Fix the economy first!



Staff member
Well the market was pretty low when Obama got into office so it didn't have much more room to go down
You play the hand you're dealt right? Bottom line is I heard all the same talk in 2008 about how Obama and his socialist policies were going to destroy the economy and it didn't happen that way, in fact it was pretty much the opposite happened. Remember when Clinton raised taxes? A lot of republicans at the time swore up and down that it was gonna lead to the apocalypse, instead we got the best post ww2 economy we've had to date and came as close as we ever have to balancing the budget. I don't worry too much about all these predictions of death and destruction.
You play the hand you're dealt right? Bottom line is I heard all the same talk in 2008 about how Obama and his socialist policies were going to destroy the economy and it didn't happen that way, in fact it was pretty much the opposite happened. Remember when Clinton raised taxes? A lot of republicans at the time swore up and down that it was gonna lead to the apocalypse, instead we got the best post ww2 economy we've had to date and came as close as we ever have to balancing the budget. I don't worry too much about all these predictions of death and destruction.
Honestly I hope he does well for the benefit of all of us.
I just do not have too much optimism with the new administration that's coming in the office.


Well-Known Member
You play the hand you're dealt right? Bottom line is I heard all the same talk in 2008 about how Obama and his socialist policies were going to destroy the economy and it didn't happen that way, in fact it was pretty much the opposite happened. Remember when Clinton raised taxes? A lot of republicans at the time swore up and down that it was gonna lead to the apocalypse, instead we got the best post ww2 economy we've had to date and came as close as we ever have to balancing the budget. I don't worry too much about all these predictions of death and destruction.

Thank you for providing perspective, and data. Every four years it's the same propaganda - "the other guy" will bring death, destruction, gun confiscation, the collapse of the American way and the extinction of our country. Every four years the same people fall for it. And yes, I remember the late '90s - 4% GDP growth per year with a budget surplus. Can you imagine that, this day and age?


Inordinately Right
the donald virus
Hey stable genius, you misspelled Chinese.

"The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses," reads the State Department report.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Whenever our building has a Kraft meeting I invite a couple guys from my investment club to come and speak about investment strategies. We focus a lot of time on options trading which is a great (cheap) way to protect your long positions.