FedEx Hiring Trolls Equals Desperation


Well-Known Member
Mr fedex hates his life and hates anyone at fedex who actually likes their job.Watch his response.Trust me.Its gonna be about you being brain washed and drinking the kool-aid blah blah.Its gotten so old most of us just ignore him.As soon as someone makes a post about liking fedex they are called a liar and a fraud.
Im a part time pick-up courier and i do about 30 stops a day and I make 25 an hour and im very happy with my stress free job.

It's tough to make a living on $42 a day. ($25 x 2 x .85 = $42.5)


Engorged Member
Fed-Ex sounds like Wal-Mart. Any corrolation?

Yes. Same management philosophy and same disregard for the employee. Fred has done his best to emulate the Sam Walton model of high expectations, consistent untrue hype about being a "great" employer. and low wages. Pretty soon we'll be hiring greeters and wearing blue vests.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Same management philosophy and same disregard for the employee. Fred has done his best to emulate the Sam Walton model of high expectations, consistent untrue hype about being a "great" employer. and low wages. Pretty soon we'll be hiring greeters and wearing blue vests.

I've worked for both of these cess-pools and dang, I miss those When I worked at a grocery store in high school, I was able to join a union for the front-end employees (sackers, cashiers, greeters...etc.) Why can't I do that here? :rain: