Forced lunches


Well-Known Member
You shouldn’t care what someone else is doing, but how many times have you raised your hand for more work when you know you don’t have enough?Probably never, because it benefits you. Human nature.

If I happened to have a light day I would send an ODS letting them know that I could help if needed. Sometimes they would send me to help someone and other times they would say that they were all set. The "all set" days meant a little longer lunch at home. :)

The "all set" days were few and far between.


The truth never changes.
Ok so if you want more routes tell everyone in your building to slow down. I’m contractually obligated to show “some” lunch, i still average 1 9.5 grievance a week, maybe they’ll add more drivers soon, LOL
I cannot tell somebody to slow down. You get fired for that.
All I'm saying to the snake from New York is that we have a contract that we benefit from and that we need to work by. We're not Union Joes because we do what we promise. He just a scab that wore a uniform.
I always took my full lunch and break-----granted, I never took them per the CBA. I normally took my meal break from 1545-1630 and my 10 minute break while sitting at my last drop box. I took my meal break later in the day for two reasons: 1. It was a natural break between deliveries/first round of pickups and the second round of pickups. 2. I lived on my delivery route and that was about the time that I was near my condo.
Who cares? You benefited from union negotiated cbas all those years and then you turn around and degrade people who work according to the contract that was negotiated for them.
Its obvious that you have no life other than living on here to degrade others to lift yourself up. You were just a management wannabe that paid union dues.


Well-Known Member
The drivers that skip their lunch or wait until they’ve finished commercial stops are the same type of drivers that go into “peak mode” during peak.....


We would have drivers who would wait to have their meal break until they were all done for the day. 4-6 of them would meet at a gas station/convenience story about 2 miles from the building to take their breaks sometime between 6-7:30 pm.

Poop Head

Judge me.
We would have drivers who would wait to have their meal break until they were all done for the day. 4-6 of them would meet at a gas station/convenience story about 2 miles from the building to take their breaks sometime between 6-7:30 pm.
I bet people thought they were running a nursery, with all the whining going on


My point is, if you dont take an hour, dont show an hour in your board. If i coded 30 mins, but actually took an hour, there would be problems. The company doesnt care about falsifying records if it benefits them.
Thats why i care.
Yea I agree with you on that, I just don’t agree with forcing drivers to take lunch.


Yes, I know I'm working late.
You shouldn’t care what someone else is doing, but how many times have you raised your hand for more work when you know you don’t have enough?Probably never, because it benefits you. Human nature.
If I'm light, I call the guys in my loop to see if they need help. They do the same. Not everyone has the screw you attitude.
The point I was trying to make with the lunch skippers is, lets say a driver only takes 15 minutes of lunch but codes 1 hour. Then Mr lunch skipper moves off that route and a driver who takes their hour lunch gets that route. The guy that is doing it by the book is now .75 more overallowed that the lunch skipper and is doing nothing wrong but being honest. This driver is viewed as a slacker and will get unnecessary harassment from management. I'm done trying to explain this to you.


Well-Known Member
If I'm light, I call the guys in my loop to see if they need help. They do the same. Not everyone has the screw you attitude.
The point I was trying to make with the lunch skippers is, lets say a driver only takes 15 minutes of lunch but codes 1 hour. Then Mr lunch skipper moves off that route and a driver who takes their hour lunch gets that route. The guy that is doing it by the book is now .75 more overallowed that the lunch skipper and is doing nothing wrong but being honest. This driver is viewed as a slacker and will get unnecessary harassment from management. I'm done trying to explain this to you.
You are correct...driver should be fired for dishonesty. If you don’t take a lunch you should not put one in the board.


Yes, I know I'm working late.
Just curious, did you guys always have an hour lunch?

We only get 30 min unpaid lunch, 2×10 min paid breaks. I would kill for an hour lunch, and am wondering if theres anyway to go about pushing the local to negotiate for at least the option for 1 hour, next contract..
Hell, I'm in the southern. So it must not be very hard to get it. Im surprised we dont have to pay to park in the parking lot.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
People who skip their lunch....



Well-Known Member
Need more stories like this on here, instead of the fake Rambo stories or drivers pretending to "stick it" to management.

Most of these guys were probably bullied in school, are probably beat up by wives at home and get another beat down at work and don’t say :censored2:. This is just a way to feel like a big guy.


The truth never changes.
Management knows who the skippers/cheaters are.
Yep. When they call off they get coded as scheduled off and the honest Teamsters who dont break the contract get coded as called in.
Most of these guys were probably bullied in school, are probably beat up by wives at home and get another beat down at work and don’t say :censored2:. This is just a way to feel like a big guy.
We werent talking about management we were talking about drivers who break their backs to support management's worthless salaries.


Well-Known Member
Nothing like handing the company a free $5000 a year. And what state do you work that no lunch needs to be taken? Do you also search for misloads in the morning before the PCM off the clock.