I have heard of a Teamster's BA that was a former union pkg car driver exercising his "retrieval rights" and returning to pkg cars.
This Business Agent's departure from the union hall is said to be due to political upheaval, not of his choosing, within the local union hierachy.
Did he get the route he wanted? I don't know. Did he get to dovetail into the seniority list which might entitle him to bump someone such as the driver mentioned in the story? Possibly.
Are the Kingston driver's stories of flippant and capricious enforcement/harassment of rules that, seemingly, are pulled out of the air to suit the moment true? Yes, but I haven't seen it to this "unholy" degree.
It is curious that Dave Cole's record, reputation and community appeal seems to be beyond question prior to this incident. Coincidence? Draw your own conclusions.
Am I happy to see his story published in a widely distributed newspaper? Exceedingly.
The public needs to know.