El Correcto

god is dead

They did a really great job with these hitman games. Trilogy is finished up and they go on sale often, not uncommon to see all three games which have a lot of content on sale for the price of one new game.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
She's so goddamned wholesome. Too bad her kit is janky
Her kit's a bit different than what most people are probably used to but once you get the hang of how it works, it's hard to beat her single-target damage.

and hoyo effed her banner placement....twice.
Waifus > Meta. I kinda like it. I can go into co-ops and be the only one with her.

I'm saving for Deyha now..... 20k primogems in so far....
With guarantee or still have a 50/50?