

Retired 23 years
All this :censored2: has my heart pounding I’ve had an anxiety disorder for all my life but the past 6 months I can hardly even get out of bed, my heart literally hurts from all the anxiety - I know we’re all going through this together but for someone with an anxiety disorder it’s literally 20 times worse . So weird every time I look at the news they say stay home stay home, then my jobs at risk if I do that. So wild. Anyways feels good to vent at least. I’m sure it will all work out.
In all actuality - this job may not be for you. Even in good times UPS isn't a cake walk.

Heavy Package

Well-Known Member
UPS is classified by the government as an essential job. You have a responsibility to your country to help transport commerce including food and medicine. Thank you for your service.



Well-Known Member
Here’s what kills me. UPS is deemed essential. For the next week or two we are going to be flooded. As soon as all the businesses being shut down catches up, many many people are being laid off. So I should risk my health, to work for 2 more weeks?
If you truly believe your life is in danger, don’t go in. Period.


I love my job. Don't you?
They probably don’t feel as :censored2:ty as we do considering they are taking ZERO precautions at the hubs. Forcing sick people to work, its a joke

I agree ups has no plan nor do they have a care in the world about us tank and file employees. The trucks I drive are filthy (my usual truck has been red tagged so I'm homeless at the moment RIP sweet Chatlotte) the hubs are filthy with jobs change in sight. The one thing I hope we all do is start photographing this. Start pressuring the company to change because pandemic or not, this place is a filthy cesspool and will continue to be unless something happens.


Just a dog
I agree ups has no plan nor do they have a care in the world about us tank and file employees. The trucks I drive are filthy (my usual truck has been red tagged so I'm homeless at the moment RIP sweet Chatlotte) the hubs are filthy with jobs change in sight. The one thing I hope we all do is start photographing this. Start pressuring the company to change because pandemic or not, this place is a filthy cesspool and will continue to be unless something happens.
The media and our pictures are the fastest way to make UPS change their sanitation policy, but it starts with us too. When you're done with that Subway footlong throw your damn trash away.


Well-Known Member
Thats a great way to lose a good job. We must depend on ourselves until the public backlash causes effective change, but go to work.
Did deliver some diapers to a young mother last week and as i was walking back to the truck she stuck her head out the door and yelled BLESS YOU GUYS, STAY SAFE. Seems to be a uptick of things like that and waves. Thats more appreciation than i would get if i was at home cooped up with the old lady and my mother in law.


Just a dog
Did deliver some diapers to a young mother last week and as i was walking back to the truck she stuck her head out the door and yelled BLESS YOU GUYS, STAY SAFE. Seems to be a uptick of things like that and waves. Thats more appreciation than i would get if i was at home cooped up with the old lady and my mother in law.
Critical heathcare and supplies for seniors too.
Our job is one of the most important in the country right now. People literally depend on us to survive.
UPS is going to let a golden opportunity slip through their fingers if they dont step up and clean some :censored2:.


Pineapple King
Do I have to go to work if we are under quarantine right now? Could I get fired for not showing up? Even though UPS is still open. Just don’t think it’s worth risking catching the virus. How do I get out of going to work until all this dies down?
Let me guess, you want to get paid while you're out too?


Just a turd
All this :censored2: has my heart pounding I’ve had an anxiety disorder for all my life but the past 6 months I can hardly even get out of bed, my heart literally hurts from all the anxiety - I know we’re all going through this together but for someone with an anxiety disorder it’s literally 20 times worse . So weird every time I look at the news they say stay home stay home, then my jobs at risk if I do that. So wild. Anyways feels good to vent at least. I’m sure it will all work out.

Why the last 6 months? This has only been going on here for a couple of weeks


I love my job. Don't you?
The media and our pictures are the fastest way to make UPS change their sanitation policy, but it starts with us too. When you're done with that Subway footlong throw your damn trash away.

Good god I cannot agree enough. Maybe and bear with me here, instead of leaving your piss bottle in the trashcan, throw it away you filthy animals


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Do I have to go to work if we are under quarantine right now? Could I get fired for not showing up? Even though UPS is still open. Just don’t think it’s worth risking catching the virus. How do I get out of going to work until all this dies down?
Go to work wimp. Our grandparents went to work with the flu of 57' and 69'! Didn't complain.


I'm a star
Some stupid :censored2:ing :censored2:! I'll let you use your imagination on what the censored words are ;)

Naw man, buy off season, it's the only way. In the middle of an apocalypse is even better. If you have a storage unit, you might want to take delivery of some barrels of oil. They're paying people to take it right now. Just a few money tips to help everyone get through these trying times.