Has any stations started Vacation bidding?


Well-Known Member
Just curious. Our stations seems to be dragging its feet. Last year, the young, cute CSA who had the least about of seniority on the CSA bidding list, was "Retitled". Still did the same job but instead of bidding with the 25plus years CSA's, she got to bid with the couriers. All because some manager things she's so cute imo. Can they, by policy, have non couriers bid with couriers for vacation?? No courier floater did her job while she was on vacation so...

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Just curious. Our stations seems to be dragging its feet. Last year, the young, cute CSA who had the least about of seniority on the CSA bidding list, was "Retitled". Still did the same job but instead of bidding with the 25plus years CSA's, she got to bid with the couriers. All because some manager things she's so cute imo. Can they, by policy, have non couriers bid with couriers for vacation?? No courier floater did her job while she was on vacation so...

Im not understanding how that could work to her advantage. Surely there are 25+ yrs couriers she would be competing with then. Don't they include the vacation policy with your bid sheets?


Well-Known Member
I bid two weeks ago so I'd imagine they're about done at my sta. Any day now, they'll be harassing me to schedule my pb's and floater.


Well-Known Member
Im not understanding how that could work to her advantage. Surely there are 25+ yrs couriers she would be competing with then. Don't they include the vacation policy with your bid sheets?
Large stations. 10 couriers off at a time vs 1 CSA off at a time. She definitely got the better deal. We have a guy trying to get a hold of HR to question this move. Only thing if Mgr's pet doesn't get her days, he may take it out on us. Sure we'll have no way to prove it but it could happen.

Whats in the Box

Well-Known Member
Started vacation bidding today at a large station with 14 employees off per day for Courier/CSAs
With me 14 years in and am suprising I still get my full weeks I pick.


Engorged Member
Just curious. Our stations seems to be dragging its feet. Last year, the young, cute CSA who had the least about of seniority on the CSA bidding list, was "Retitled". Still did the same job but instead of bidding with the 25plus years CSA's, she got to bid with the couriers. All because some manager things she's so cute imo. Can they, by policy, have non couriers bid with couriers for vacation?? No courier floater did her job while she was on vacation so...

No. I wonder if her lipstick is on a certain part of the manager below the waistline.


Well-Known Member
Why does it even matter if operations personnel have the same days off as the couriers? Each group really only impacts themselves when their peers are off.


Just curious. Our stations seems to be dragging its feet. Last year, the young, cute CSA who had the least about of seniority on the CSA bidding list, was "Retitled". Still did the same job but instead of bidding with the 25plus years CSA's, she got to bid with the couriers. All because some manager things she's so cute imo. Can they, by policy, have non couriers bid with couriers for vacation?? No courier floater did her job while she was on vacation so...
Why does it even matter if operations personnel have the same days off as the couriers? Each group really only impacts themselves when their peers are off.
It wouldn't normally impact the drivers but in this case, the csa would be bypassing seniority in her workgroup and possibly outbidding someone not in her workgroup (drivers). Favoritism is never a positive thing in a workplace.