This is what is happening in my center. My run is a high mileage run. Its min max is 62 to 75 stops.Lately I have been going out on the same run with 100 to 110 stops per day. We have been having a few storms so the stops have been backing up. But this is what gets me. We had a storm 2 days ago. Today I brought back to the Building 40 stops!!! Guess what no missed. A perfectly sunny day not a cloud in the sky .Our building managment team makes us sheet them as weathers. This wouldnt bother me but they have been doing this since Christmas. In fact I have packages from 12/30/02 still on my truck. Some packages track 10 days on my vehicle. Also the customers are going crazy. The shippers cant get their money back because they are sheeted as weathers and I cant get the packages delivered because I have on paper a 11 to 12 hour planned day but I am capped to stay under 10. they can use the "weathered" as an out. There was one run that goes out with 85 stops as an 9 hour day. On a day which we knew there would be snow they purposely put 130 stops on the run knowing that the driver would only due between 75 to 85 stops and they could weather the rest. We are not just weathering ground packages. Some guys are weathering nextday airs 2 or 3 days. Guess what ???WE have drivers working preload!!!!!
Managment is using weather to cheat our customers. You try looking a customer who has a computer in the eye when their nextday air package has been on your truck for 2 days and they want an explanation why they didnt get their package. Do I tell them that my boss has a 18 run plan with 22 run worth of volume. Is this right ? Is this what UPS is going to due to pay for this new contract because if it is they can have the raise back because we wont be in business long with service like that.
Managment is using weather to cheat our customers. You try looking a customer who has a computer in the eye when their nextday air package has been on your truck for 2 days and they want an explanation why they didnt get their package. Do I tell them that my boss has a 18 run plan with 22 run worth of volume. Is this right ? Is this what UPS is going to due to pay for this new contract because if it is they can have the raise back because we wont be in business long with service like that.