You know Teamster 251, now that I think about it, if not for the APWA issue, would you even be here? How do we even know if you are a UPSer and not just some IBT, specificially Hoffa butt licker and lacky? Or some IBT Freight guy here to protect your own H&W interest off our hard work at UPS? Or even worse, a "retiree from a bankrupt IBT freightline" who's just here to protect his own interest?
Maybe you and Any122 should both just go away!
Yeah, that'll work!
So is this our own little private stage.
I'm a UPSer and a 22 year Teamster. Lately it been a Teamster first, UPSer second.
I for one can't stand Hoffa. He's there on his name, like a Kennedy.
By your "lacky" comment your diffently a prejudist person with a stereotypical idea or what a Teamster really is.
It seems you are one of those guys that think you are the only hard workers out there. Another Primadonna dressed in Brown (or sporting a tie) that thinks he's carrying the IBT/UPS on his back. Ever been in a freight truck? Peddle 20 stops make 10 pickups dragging a 53 foot trailer behind you? Going into the same office complexes, retail oulets, industrail areas, downtowns, back alleys, counrty roads that a Brownie goes. Been there done that. 125 stops in a station wagon (Package car) on the same street, or same indusrtrail park. Simple compared to freight peddling. Again been there done that. Try dragging a trailer and humping freight, delivering 100 times the weight in the same eight hours. Copmared to 3-400 packages in 100 plus stops. EAMs, 1030's, Airs, even those services exist in freight companies too pal
Each and every freight guy earned his/her fair share, where do you get off judging them.
As far as being a retiree from another carrier what does that make a hill of beans to you. Those retirees put into the pension just like you and I are doing. They earned their fair share. They didn't mismanage, bankrupt or unjustly close their companies, ie USF RedStar. They didn't deregualte the indusrty to give an advantage to lower paying carriers, who have ruined a good carreer.
As far as going away, I'm here to stay now, I just happen to come over here to investagted a problem with PSD pay.
Now I'll stay around and toss the ball.
By the way, PSD employee PRORI (Warwick RI) 0299
Have a nice day brother, T251