Rebel, you have got my attention. Boston butts, (actually the pig shoulder), are the way to go in my part of the world. Cover with a dry rub,(rubbing those butts is a big joke), wrap in foil, and throw them in a smoker all day. Hickory is preferred around here, the flavor soaks in the first 3-4 hours. Use a meat thermometer, when it hits about 180-190 degrees, its done. I spray a little apple juice on it after a while. This is an all day affair, depending on the size of the cut. Sauces are another story. I prefer a apple vinegar base over the sweet molasses type. While you got the smoker going, throw on a whole chicken or sausage to eat for another meal.
Next month my Sunday school class does our annual BBQ as a fundraiser. We use Dale Earnhardt's trailer mounted smoker to smoke 45 butts and feed 500 people. There's four of us who stay up all Saturday night doing this, its a lot of fun. BBQ is serious business down here.